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February 24, 2019

5 Steps to Supercharge your Crystal with your Money Affirmation.

Who doesn’t love a crystal? So many gemstones in all colours and sparkles. Even as a child however that wasn’t what drew me to these delights of nature and gifts from the universe. I had crystals as friends; they were like the soft plushy toys most of us had as kids, that special stuffed toy that was magic and alive to us.

I always felt crystals were real and just accepted that someone or something lived inside. This something or someone listened and helped me and was there because they had chosen to be.

The latter was difficult for me to always accept as when I ‘lost‘ a crystal, the tears that followed were as bad as when I was told ABBA had split up – a story for another time! I still sometimes get that sentimental pang as an adult when a crystal disappears, though I am thankful that our work together has completed, and the crystal is free to move on.

I know here I am in good company as we aren’t debating the fact of whether crystals emit energy. Even those that find it too woo know crystals are used in watches and such like to conduct, regulate and maintain frequency and power.

When crystals are used in the mechanics of machines, they aren’t passive or just on a shelf looking pretty and that is a myth I want to bust.

It’s not the quantity of crystals you have on your shelf or adorned on you that is a mark of your vibration. It is a partnership, a conscious one that allows you to receive the boost, learning and wisdom that a crystal that has come into your life holds for you. Working with crystals isn’t passive.

One thing I love doing for me and showing others to do is programme your crystal. That creates a conscious partnership with the crystal, activates it and you align to the gifts it potentially holds for you. That is a true collaboration!

This brings me to the second part of this article – money affirmations. I will save the whole affirmation magic for a future article though will say they are statements to ‘change one’s mind‘ and get it to shift from limiting gears to unlimited and align with the soul. Brilliant manifesting tools when your mind hasn’t shifted into full alignment with your soul path and still believes it knows best and has a purpose to protect you from being all you could be.

How to supercharge your crystal with your money affirmation!

  1. Choose your crystal, something you can hold in your hand and ‘cleanse’ it. It picks up energy from all around so cleaning it is a great idea! The most powerful and effective way is put it in soil (pot plant will do) for 24-48 hours. Ask the earth element to cleanse the crystal and leave it to earth to take away what isn’t true to the crystals form.
  2. Choose your money affirmation. One per crystal. (Don’t have a money affirmation? Try this one – “I allow financial abundance into my life!”)
  3. When your crystal is cleansed after it’s 24/48 hours in its ‘earth bath’ hold it in your left hand and ask it if you can supercharge it with your affirmation. You will get a yes or a no and if no – go back to step one and choose another crystal. Don’t doubt your answer. Trust what you get. If yes then…
  4. Still holding the crystal in your left hand, take three deep breaths and each breath feel (imagine) you and the crystal becoming one…and then repeat your chosen money affirmation out loud – 3 times. Say it to the crystal and see that energy of that affirmation going into it.
  5. Now, every time you say your money affirmation (daily, right?) hold the crystal in your left hand. Place your right hand over the crystal and as you repeat your money affirmation, allow your crystal to share its magic. If you journal with your money affirmation, put your crystal beside you as you write. It will continue to give your money affirmation a supercharge and supercharge your money healing journey too.

Easy? It is!!!

Love this article? Share it with your friends and community, get the good word out on crystals and let me know in the comments if you are going to do this with your crystal and money affirmation!

Sarupa Shah


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