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February 7, 2019

Tribalism, Identity Politics and the Political Divide.

It has been a long time since our country has been so deeply divided. Members of my parents’ generation often state that they haven’t seen this level of division since the late 1960s. I believe in many ways that what we are seeing now in national politics is far worse than the turbulent era reflected upon by my elders. We have paramilitary forces referring to themselves as local police departments. We have immigration policies that torment not only undocumented immigrants but all ethnic minorities, legal residents and even American citizens. We have a House Congressional oversight committee that looks more like an episode of the Jerry Springer show than a legitimate political bureaucracy, and a political regime run by the most incompetent and corrupt president in American history.

Clearly, as a Democratic Socialist, a lot of my vitriol is aimed at the Republican Party. They have gone off the deep end. But, I cannot discount the incompetence of Democratic leadership either. The DNC has continued to utilize the “play-it-safe” ideology for far too long and it has cost them time and time again. If the Democratic Party wants to be a viable force in the coming years, they need to stand up for themselves in a way that is not transparently disingenuous. I hope that one day I will see a strong political party represent the interests of working people in this country, but I am not hopeful that it will happen any time soon. What it will take is constructive and compassionate leadership from the left. What won’t work is tribalism or identity politics.

The far left is guilty of tribalism, and what I mean is that they are guilty of believing that it is more important to be part of the in-group than to think for yourself. And group-think is dangerous, whether it be liberal or conservative. Loyalty to one’s own group should never be more important than doing the right thing or standing up for what you believe in. Nothing should go unquestioned or uncriticized. NOTHING. The far left has fallen victim to the same traps that we once criticized the right for, namely holding loyalty above reason or rationale. The far left has become so reactionary that we paint a picture of ourselves that frightens off would be supporters, simply because they do not have the privilege of an education which provides them with terminology congruent with the nomenclature deemed to be enlightened that particular month by leftist elites. It is as if the leftists are trying to out-left each other and prove who is more woke than whomever else. For this reason, I believe that the political left is eating itself alive.

Furthermore, it is important to realize that there are clearly some definitive and easily grasped issues affecting members of the right, that can be capitalized upon by the left. Economic issues top this list. If we can demonstrate to working class moderate Republicans that we are on their side and avoid making them feel stupid or ignorant, we might be able to get some real progressive legislation passed.  This is not done by catering to the center, but by pushing forward a strong progressive agenda that taxes corporations and the wealthy, including reasonable capital gains taxes, and provides services for the working class that they can clearly see as beneficial and nurturing. We can rally the working class around the “us vs. them” narrative, which they think they are already on board with. What these people don’t realize is that they are working against themselves and their political ideologies are self-defeating due to manipulation by wealthy elites. If we are able to restructure this narrative, capitalism will be shown for what it truly is, the Democratic Party will shift back to the left, and the Republican Party will no longer be a viable political entity.

So, my friends, what I am asking of you is to get over yourselves for a moment. It does not matter how woke you are if you cannot use your knowledge to make tangible change in the world. It doesn’t matter how up to date on the terminology you are if no one outside your inner circle will listen to you. It doesn’t matter how right you think you are if you cannot change anyone’s mind. How you are perceived does, in fact, matter. How we present ourselves impacts our effectiveness. How we deliver the message directly impacts the utility of arguments. If we relegate ourselves to those individuals who are already part of our “tribe” we will lose potential allies in the struggle for relevance across the political landscape. Worst of all, if we alienate others who are already on board, but have not fully recognized the gravity or extent of their responsibility and privilege, we will consumer ourselves from the inside. With the ruling elites doing everything in their power to chip away at our relevance already, that is not a risk that we can afford to run.

May you be happy,

May you be well,

May you be free from suffering.

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