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March 12, 2019

How Can Bullying Negatively Affect Your Mental Health?

Bullying, i.e. unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children related to a real or perceived imbalance of power, is unacceptable. It is used to hurt a child and may make him or her feel helpless, scared, and alone. Bullying also has far-flung mental health effects on both a victim and a bully.

If parents teach their kids about the ramifications of bullying, they could reduce the number of bullying incidents nationwide. Plus, parents could help their kids avoid drug abuse and addiction and other long-lasting problems.

How Does Bullying Impact a Victim’s Mental Health?

Every bullying incident is different, and as such, there is no surefire solution to address all bullying incidents, at all times. Thus, dealing with a bully is often difficult, and a child may feel powerless if he or she is suddenly forced to deal with a bully.

If a child tries to ignore a bully, for example, a bully may use teasing, name-calling, or other verbal tactics to get his or her attention. Or, a bully may resort to social bullying, which involves leaving a child out of activities, embarrassing him or her in public, or other actions that harm his or her reputation. Physical bullying may be problematic, too. In this instance, a bully harms a child’s body or possessions.

On the other hand, a bullying victim may try to stand up to a bully or tell a parent or teacher about a bully. In either of these scenarios, however, there is no guarantee that bullying will stop.

Determining the best course of action to deal with a bully may seem overwhelming at times. In some instances, a bullying victim may experience one or more of the following mental health effects:

  • Desire to avoid school
  • Low self-esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Feelings of isolation and shame
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal thoughts

Let’s not forget about how bullying may affect a victim’s at-school performance, either. In a UCLA study of 2,300 Los Angeles middle school students, researchers found that bullying was highest among students across three years of middle school. They also discovered that these students performed significantly worse academically than their peers.

Children who witness bullying incidents are prone to various mental health effects as well. These bystanders may be susceptible to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. These issues may also escalate over time, resulting in an increased risk of drug and alcohol abuse.

How Does Bullying Impact a Bully’s Mental Health?

In the short-term, a bully may feel powerful after he or she inflicts verbal, social, or physical pain upon a victim. Yet the mental health effects of a bully’s action may be severe. In fact, a bully may be susceptible to one or more of the following short-term mental health effects:

  • Poor performance at school
  • Difficulty developing and maintaining social relationships
  • Increased risk of drug and alcohol abuse

Childhood bullying sometimes continues into adulthood. For a bully, the long-term mental health effects of his or her actions may include:

  • Increased risk of child and spousal abuse
  • Substance abuse
  • Antisocial behavior

Parents play important roles in preventing bullying. If parents recognize the mental health effects of bullying in children, they are better equipped than ever before to help their kids deal with these issues.

Bullying Prevention Tips

Bullying incidents can occur at home or school, and children need to prepare accordingly. If parents teach their kids how to handle a wide range of bullying incidents, they could help their children avoid serious mental health issues.

There are lots of ways for a child to deal with a bully, including:

  • Use a calm, clear voice to tell a bully to stop
  • Walk away from the situation
  • Find a parent or teacher

Meanwhile, if a parent believes his or her child is bullying others, it is important to take action right away. Some of the best ways to get kids to stop bullying include:


  • Punish a child for bullying by taking away his or her phone, computer, or other privileges
  • Teach a child how to treat others with kindness and respect
  • Set a good example for a child
  • Reward good behavior
  • Reach out to teachers, guidance counselors, and other school officials for assistance

Parents should maintain open lines of communication with their children, too. This ensures a child will feel comfortable discussing any bullying concerns or questions with his or her parent. It also ensures parents and children can work together to stop bullying.

The Bottom Line on Bullying

Millions of bullying incidents occur annually, and the mental health effects of these incidents impact both victims and bullies. Fortunately, parents who intervene can help children – regardless of whether they are bullying victims or bullies themselves – address the mental health effects of bullying before they get out of hand.

Ultimately, parents who educate their children about bullying and its mental health effects could stop a bullying incident. If children understand bullying, they can take the necessary actions to prevent bullying both now and in the future.



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