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March 24, 2019

How to reach your full potential by tossing out toxicity

From booze-loving beauty therapist to a holistic functional health practitioner, yes indeed that is me, but for a good reason.

I struggled in my 20’s with self-acceptance just like the majority of us, and yes, I admit I drowned my sorrows and self-consciousness from thirsty Thursday through to Saturday with a few vino’s.

It’s not like I got drunk every night, I just needed to let go of reality and experience the sense of freedom in which I craved so dearly. I look back now realizing how insecure I was, but those insecurities were entirely driven by other people’s critical assumptions, actions, and opinions. Was it just me or was everyone in the same boat as me? Did anyone feel like they could be themselves freely without having to escape their reality some way or another? I admit what people saw wasn’t me at all, but I was afraid to show the real me, that meant letting down walls and barriers of protection and opening myself up to further passing judgments.

Then I met my husband.


When two souls are meant to connect; location, timing, and circumstances are all irrelevant. They suddenly become a magnet for one another, and despite their efforts to fight it, the universe somehow manipulates everything in their favor. The moment when they finally give in, a highly developed, intuitive relationship is born. One where two independent souls have come together to help one another become the best version of themselves. And that we did.


Our lives changed from the moment we packed our bags and left our hometowns. We realized just how important it is to make adjustments for our health, happiness, and self-growth, we were finally able to spread our wings and fly.


Deciding to shift away from toxic people, relationships and surroundings are imperative for everyone’s health. We may have the perfect diet and exercise regime, but being exposed to a toxic atmosphere, will halt you dead in your tracks to reaching your full potential. As hard as it may seem for some of you, I guarantee you it is well worth it.


Think about this; who are the people who radiate positivity and energize, challenge, motivate, inspire and support you? These people are keepers! Those who ooze negativity, drain your energy, influence you the wrong way and make you feel terrible, you need to spend less time with or even let them go for now if not forever. By doing this it opens up space for you to do what you love, hear your true calling, reach your full potential and live a productive, emotionally fulfilling life. I know we can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond.


Some of you might think I am a little bit ruthless and that’s fine, but how many times do you have to keep trying, failing and repeating the hurt and negative cycles? It all comes down to accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative. I understand challenges will always arise but do you ever look at these challenges as a wake-up call or lesson intended to steer you back on the right track?


What about family members who become connected to people you love? It’s just about minimizing the impact they have on you directly. However, if you have a toxic, abusive relationship with them, you may need to distance them from your life completely. We can’t always “fix” bad relationships, especially when the other person doesn’t understand something needs fixing.


I understand there is no way to eliminate all negativity in your life, but by drawing more positivity in you can crowd out the negative parts you cannot control. Do what makes you feel great in the most gentle, loving way.


The key is to face your reality, don’t drown your emotions and look elsewhere for that sense of freedom. Your body and intuition are always sending you signals; maybe it’s time to listen. When you do, it is there you will find your full potential, and live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life.


P.s Don’t forget to thank all the people who presented you with beautiful and atrociously nasty life lessons for we wouldn’t be who we are today without meeting them, loving them or letting them go forever.

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