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March 22, 2019

Magical Thinking

During troubled times, I find myself needing a touch of eternity. More of the eternal gives me a sense of inner meaning.

Recently I’ve become obsessed with the theory of entanglement as it applies to our connection with each other and how and each of us plays an integral part in the cosmic energy field. That not only does our attention, whether positive or negative, affect our personal experience of life – our happiness, health and relationships – but it influences the whole of humanity. When we emit the frequency of love, we uplift the world. During these troubled times, this is huge.

Allow me to back up a bit. For years, I have been aware of the mind-body-spirit connection and the impact of thought on our health. The cells of our bodies are affected by our thoughts; there is a link between mind and matter. Cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton wrote about his research on this in 2005. Faith and belief can help the body heal. How we choose to respond to our life experience, affects our emotional wellbeing and ultimately our physical health.

How powerful is our mind? Powerful enough to attract wealth, or love? Can positive visualization manifest a different future outcome? Can we attract healing through prayer?

The theory of magical thinking is that a person’s thoughts or actions, either the spoken word or the use of symbols, can alter the course of events without a causal link. That an object or action not logically related to a course of events can influence its outcome.

I became intrigued by this, which led me to the field of epigenetics. Epigenetics is the effect of genetic influence by factors other than an individual’s DNA sequence.  Environmental factors, like diet, lifestyle choices, and stress can turn genes on or off which can change the health of an individual as well as that person’s descendants.  Even more interesting is how our emotional response to life experience also affects epigenetics which can modify neuron activity in the brain. In other words, our thoughts affect our epigenetics which then modifies our neurons to think and believe more of the same. So, our thoughts do create our reality.

In 2015, a study was released in the scientific journal Nature, proving one of quantum theory’s fundamental claims, that two entangled electrons, separated by a mile, changed spins simultaneously.

Quantum physics says that as you go deeper and deeper into the workings of the atom, you see that there is nothing there – just energy waves. It says an atom is an invisible force field, a kind of miniature tornado, which emits waves of electrical energy.

Those energy waves can be measured and their effects seen, but they are not a material reality. Science now embraces the idea that the universe is made of energy. We are of course made up of atoms. Atoms that were connected prior to the Big Bang. Therefore, through the theory of entanglement, that although we are separate we affect each other. Our thoughts can influence each other. We discount the impact we can have on each other. Yet everything we do affects everything else. We are part of each other.

By taking your focus off the negative and noticing what’s good, this alone can make a difference. To do this, we must shift from allowing the mind to be the master and by putting higher consciousness in the driver’s seat. 

We’re wired to notice the negative; our human brain has a negativity bias. Our capacity to assess negative input is an evolutionary adaptation to keep us out of harm’s way.  The amygdala in our limbic brain records the memories that produced both agreeable and disagreeable experiences, and often unconsciously evaluates our experience for the purpose of influencing our behavior and protecting us. The limbic brain builds a framework from challenging past experiences. The building blocks of this framework are the negative beliefs and stories we tell ourselves. Stories like, “I’m not smart enough,” “Things never work out for me,” “I’ll never make enough money to live the life I want.” This framework becomes the lens through which we evaluate life and make choices.

Once we become aware of this bias, we can tap into the other tool we have for navigating through life – higher consciousness. This is the part of each of us that is connected to universal consciousness, divine intelligence, or God or whatever you want to call it. When we operate from this wisdom we are on the frequency that we are all connected, that the Universe is friendly and benevolent. We can believe in ourselves and in our fellow humans. We aren’t looking for what’s wrong and who’s out to get us. We are anchored in abundance, joy, connection, and collaboration. It is human nature to want to help each other, to be of service and to be generous. This is what makes us happy.

By letting go of emotional blocks, like anger and resentment and allowing ourselves to forgive and be grateful, we are altering our genetic code and building a brain that is predisposed to happiness. Research has shown that it is the frequency of small positive acts that matters most. There is no limit to how our imagination can affect our physiology, our emotional wellbeing and the wellbeing of each other. This is truly is magical thinking.

May you realize how special and powerful you truly are.

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