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March 25, 2019

More Than Psychic Protection: Why Mindset Is Everything

More Than Psychic Protection: Why Mindset Is Everything

by Lucy Baker

I work in an invisible industry with unseen energies, a playground of fear, denial and panic … and it’s only when it happens to someone that belief in the concept of being caught between worlds is accepted.

What I know, after four decades in the field of spirit releasement, is that the beliefs we hold about life and beyond while we are alive, are almost irrelevant. Academic professors, left-brained scientists, committed atheists are all treated the same as spiritually-inclined people, particularly when death has occurred in an instant.

Since I was 8 years old, I have been working between the worlds, specialising in helping those who have died abruptly and are frozen in the last moments of life.  While some come through police investigations and the families of the missing, I am usually contacted directly by the victims of car fatalities, suicide and murder. Once released from the final scenes of life, we turn towards awaiting beloved spirit and they easily ascend – my description of the greeter always confirmed by the startled family who, up to this point, may never have considered the concept of life beyond death.

The thoughts, the panic, the patterns on the wallpaper, the wounds – I experience them all. I am used to it, but more importantly, as a child who involuntarily found her purpose, it feels like home to me and I trust it easily. My job is to be a safe place, to first reassure a terrified spirit who might cling to me like a drowning toddler that I am here with them for the journey onwards.

What’s quite clear is this: if we die with a rigid mindset, we will often find ourselves in a state of limbo. And, if you imagine you might be energetically insulated from unwanted spirit interference, forget the pink bubbles – psychic protection goes beyond any careful routine as it’s continually affected by how disciplined your mindset is and your commitment to joy.

Yes, Joy.

Remember that feeling you have glimpses of, in between busyness in the ‘real world? A return to joy, acceptance and gratitude after adversity is a moral imperative, if we wish to be of service in this character-development school called Life.

Buoyancy is the secret of success, in my world.

The ability to maintain a strong, loving and harmless force field that keeps us safe through challenge and turmoil must start with a decision to be honest about who we are and commit to travelling deeply into our most innermost, darkest corners and into places and memories that our fears would have us not recall.

Whatever is most intense within us, will attract outward experiences to confirm its presence. It’s called ‘sympathetic resonance.’

It’s at those moments in life, when we feel we cannot go on, cannot live with the pain of reality that we are in most need of a change of perspective that could reactivate our protection. When we lose ourselves, we get lost.

The mindset can act like a steel trap. How quickly we judge each dose of painful difficulty, each insurmountable obstacle as a failure, the final straw – and consequently delay our progress through it. What keeps us bound is the inaccurate, inherited belief that we are not enough.

However, consider this: what if your doorbell rang one day, and there stood a millionaire on the doorstep, with a large check with your name on. “Here,” he or she says. “This is for you to go out and create a whole new life with. I have a list of perfect partners for you in my limo, the best nanny in the universe to care for your children while you are busy recreating your life, and of course, money is no object.”

I can bet that once we had checked out the authenticity of the offer, many of us would be off in a matter of seconds. We now had proof of a ‘better life’ and we were going to grab it. No longer would we settle for second-best!

Our inner Control Freak requires guarantees. Our soul simply requires our commitment to self-expansion and to focus on light within darkness — just as a murder victim can free herself from a dark scene of death by opening to seeing a point of light.

Once seen, our new chapter begins, our spiritual support team can all breathe a sigh of relief and life can move forward … provided you do the human work of maintaining a useful, open, appreciative and trusting mindset.

Choose love over fear and make the first human being you practice loving well, yourself.

This is how we unstick ourselves – protected, open and trusting the Flow. That is the key to true impenetrability.



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About the author: Lucy Baker is considered one of Australia’s most respected psycho-spiritual teachers, award-winning intuitive and spiritual advisor to women in leadership, TV celebrities and ordinary people intent on creating extraordinary lives. Lucy became a natural rescue medium at 8 years old, has worked in crime cases, was recognized as shaman by the indigenous two decades later and spends much of her time showing women how to increase their power energetically. The founder of Australia’s largest spirituality church, now a decade old, Lucy is the originator of The Lucy Daily, the popular free mojo-raising daily post that goes out to women across the planet via Facebook and Instagram. For more info, visit



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