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April 1, 2019

Four Ways to Take Care of Yourself at Work.

Work, school, family can all be stressful. Many have been there. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day that many forget to set aside time to decompress.  We tend to forget to put ourselves first, our stress builds…and builds.

Here are four effortless ways to take care of yourself at work.

Take a walk

Walking is one of the healthiest things someone can do. While walking your body automatically starts to de-stress. The heart starts pumping, blood flowing, and your body breathes deeper. Walking can also help one think. Sometimes having 5 or 10 minutes outside moving, is just the thing to help organize yoour thoughts and sort thru feelings.


Many do not notice their breath or when they are holding it. When you hold your breath, the muscles in the body can also tighten. By focusing on breathing the muscles then relax. To practice this: breathe in through your nose for three counts, hold for three counts, breathe out three counts. This is an easy exercise that can be done anywhere at any time. Like when stuck in traffic.


Many cultures take time out to nap in the afternoon. Sometimes just shutting the eyes can allow the brain to have a break. A way to regroup.  Shut the office door, take a quick power nap. All you need is 10-15 minutes to feel refreshed.


Your desk, the floor, your workspace can be messy and crowded with papers. When our workspace is cluttered the mind is too. Spend a few minutes each day to quickly organizing the working area. Each day put stuff back in a designated area after using it. Sometimes to clear our minds we must clear our surroundings.

Remember, we need to take care of ourselves. We work hard, and sometimes our busy lives make us forget to put ourselves first. Self-care can go a long way…even at work.

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