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April 18, 2019

Why We Should Have Intention in Our Goal Setting

Resolution Vs. Intention Vs. Goals

There is a difference between a resolution, an intention, and a goal. A resolution means to solve a problem, to firmly choose to do or not do something, standing firm (Merriam-Webster), goal setting is future oriented, something to aim for even if we may not achieve it. Intention setting is more of a way of thinking, a way of being, being present. To be able to goal set we should start with an intention, think of an intention as the foundation. For an example, one may have a resolution that they would like to lose weight, their goal is to lose 15 pounds, so they set their intention that they will live as healthy as they can, accept where they are, and be present. I just wanted to also point out that if we look at the definition of intention, it’s second definition is a medical terminology meaning, the healing process …let that sink in. To set an intention is not just about aiming for a goal, it is also about healing. What do you need healing from? What wounds from last year do you need to mend?

The next step after intention setting is to make goal setting concrete. So now let’s create three OBTAINABLE goals. Why the emphasis on obtainable? If someone is able to reach a goal, psychologically speaking, they have more confidence to continue to aim for others. If their goal is unattainable for them AT THIS MOMENT, and they do not reach it, they may give up. So, let’s think about three obtainable goals, they can be anything, once we have come up with a goal we can think about completion dates. It could be one month, or the end of the year, or even in 5 years, whatever is best for you and realistic. Then work backwards. By working backwards, you already see the end in sight. What steps do you need to accomplish those goals? What tools? What supports? This is a work in progress, a living, breathing, document, can you feel it? Can you see the end goal? Have you set your intention on achieving that goal? Take a moment to breath it in. Ahhh…

Daily Goals

Okay quick focus on daily goals…

This is all good for the year, but each day we have a to-do list that can feel never ending. Something I have done is listed my top three things to complete that day, I try to do them when I am most alert during the day. I also have a weekly to do list, and a running to do list, with ideas and goals that come to mind randomly. At the start of the week I review my weekly to do, and at the start of each day I review my top three (sometimes I need to remind myself just to review it)! Also, we should make sure that an action step for our larger goals are written down on the weekly or daily to-do list.

Finally, another thing that can be helpful is having a reminder of our goals and intentions somewhere we can see it. It can be on the fridge or a bathroom mirror. That way we are being reminded about our intention for that month, year and goal on a daily basis.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

We have accepted and forgiven ourselves with compassion, we have allowed healing to start within us, we have set intentions for the year with three doable goals, with the intent to be able to aim for them. We can do it! You can do it! I believe in you, I believe in us! Even a small step forward is still a step forward.

“Intention is one with cause and effect. Intention determines outcome. And if you’re stuck and not moving forward, you have to check the thought and the action that created the circumstance.”

Oprah Winfrey

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