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April 23, 2019

Your Fear Is Actually Your Best Friend

What is your biggest fear? Think of it.. let it sink in. Now what if you took charge of that fear and decided to do whatever you desired? I’m here to tell you can do it. It’s not scary. It’s only scary because you make it that way. Really, I won’t lie to you.

There are a few things that come in factor with this theory. I’m going to dive in here. let’s look at your childhood. For me growing up in the 90’s, I went through social hardships & “lonely-only-child” syndrome & verbal bullies. But the key is, when we go through these hardships, no matter what it is, we really don’t know any better than what we are taught. Our “normal are only as good as the surroundings we are given when we enter this world. Fortunately, we have a choice to change what doesn’t work for us, and that is a beautiful thing. It is so simple but seems so hard for us to do. No matter what your story is, it is easy to fall into patterns & essentially dodge negative feelings we carry with us. Letting go is key.

Fears are our worst enemy and they are also essential to our growth. Without the awareness of what scares us we would never find our light. Let’s turn our worst enemy into our best friend. That’s right, we have the power to overcome that by a switch in thought. Change a negative into a positive – just like science! The bullies, the mean words, the hardships are capable of becoming our crutch to motivate us to come out of our shells and yell “I am better than this, I am loved and I honor myself for the person I am today”. If we try taking one negative thought, or one story we were told to believe about ourselves and ask, what is the positive of this? We can work a wonder of growth and success in our lives.

Let’s talk bullies for example. They teach you you’re not good enough, powerful enough or good looking enough.. the list can go on. They can also be your buffer to remind you how much you believe in yourself and how much you can prove them all wrong. That is what I did. I used this as a way to reach my goals & live my dream. Listening to those negative thoughts compelled me to say “No. I will do this and I will prove you wrong”. Forever thank your past stories for who you are today.

Allow your unfavorable story to be turned around and guide you to know you can have anything you want – that’s right, anything. Once you find what gives you bliss and has you beaming with light, that is passion, and with passion overcomes any fear.

Now you feel it, see it, smell it – it’s real. DON’T give up. There is an abundance of anything for everyone. You must continue to feed that positive energy with more positive energy. I’m telling you there is no room for darkness on your journey or dream you seek.

Continue kicking those demon thoughts to the curb. “I am better than this, I am loved and I honor myself for the person I am today”. I promise you, you will never be misled. Whether it takes 10 days or 10 years, you will be on the right path. And in between the Universe will still always throw glitches your way. It is the ironic gift to us to use as an opportunity to fight it; every rock and every bump. Show the world you can do it. It will take time but it will happen.

6 years in to living my dream in NYC styling hair for Broadway and film, I know I can pass this on to you. I hope, my friend, you make your own leap and conquer all your fears too. Remember, NEVER say no. Say YES to every opportunity. The more you show up is when you become that much more rich in trust and in confidence: The key ingredients to living your truth.

Please, to anyone who may have a fear or a belief that you aren’t good enough, dig deep and remember who you are, what gets your blood flowing and what makes you smile without realizing – because THAT is what you’re here for and THAT is what is worth living for.

Change your negatives into positives. Stay on track. You’ve got this.


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