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May 12, 2019


Do you open your heart into a place of self-enquiry because you are moved by what is happening in the world? Does it ignite a spark in you that calls for change?

Do the ice-caps melting, the animals dying, forests being cut down for fast profit, the selling of our young men and women in to the sex industry, starvation, wars, waters being poisoned, poverty in our home lands and abroad, the brutality towards our children and our old people including beatings and sexual abuse, the pornography exploiting the young, the use and abuse, the litter that covers our earth and our hearts.

Or are your eyes so closed so focused on the next consumer item, the next social media post where we can live a life of voyeurism and comparison that you don’t actually notice what is happening?  Is your heart so paralysed through fear of feeling that you are shut down to connection, does the fear of intimacy due to personal or intergenerational trauma shut the doorway to your heart, seeing you settle for less than?  For toxic relationships that continue the ‘use and abuse’ cycle? For our addictions to numbing out to fuel our daily lives as we wake, work, sleep and eat, shop, drink, smoke and spend.

Does it take a breakdown? A death? A loss? An illness for you to wake up and see that there is so much more to this thing called LIFE?  That in order to LIVE we need to FEEL.  In order to feel we need to SEE. In order to see we need to open our eyes to ourselves and our world, to each other and see the devastation, the loneliness, the loss and the tragedy that are so abundant and prevalent around us.

Our closed eyes, our inability or fear of feeling ‘because it hurts too much’ is adding to this destruction of our planet, our lives, our communities and relationships.  Our blinkered and closed eyes, for the chasing joy doesn’t help in the planting of trees to assist our planet, it doesn’t’ clean our waters. It is a strong warrior that can stop and open their eyes to what is around and within and with a single breath, a single moment begin the steps it takes to become here. To come into the now. To fully see what we have and are creating and to make a choice to make a difference, to begin one step at a time to change the environmental impact, the impact on our social environment, to be kinder to ourselves and others.

We live so fast, so numbed out we forget to breathe and take a moment to consider our impact.  YOU MATTER.  I MATTER. WE MATTER.  THIS PLANET MATTERS.

A feeling is a feeling. It is energy in motion – it lasts no more than 90 seconds, (which, yes, can repeat often) if we allow it to flow. It is the holding on, the fear of feeling, fear of being vulnerable which keeps us numb, keeps us small, keeps us stuck. If we allow the flow of our emotions, slowly over time beginning to learn how to work with them, to allow them, to welcome them.  This is what liberates us. This is what opens our eyes, our hearts, our voices and bodies. This is what opens us fully to Life…

Can we begin again?


art: Artistisk-Alphacoders

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