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July 18, 2019

5 things that successful people have in common for building self-confidence.

Why are some people more confident than others? Is your lack of confidence holding you back from growing to become successful? Do you know how to build self-confidence? Here are some simple things that confident people have in common.

The good news about self-confidence is that it is learned. We are not born with self-confidence. There are two main factors to self-confidence: self-efficacy and self-esteem. Psychologist, Albert Bandurn, defines self-efficacy as one’s belief in one’s ability to succeed in situations or accomplish a task. What this means is that we can simply and positively cope with whatever situation or task that is taking place in our lives.

Self-esteem overlaps with the idea of self-efficacy. Self-esteem comes from a feeling of approval and competency.
So, how do you build a balanced self-confidence? It will NOT happen over night and, just as I did myself, you will NEED a drastic life change.

Successful people are always prepared-
Preparing for any journey sets your self-confidence on the track to success. It doesn’t matter what you have already achieved or didn’t achieve. You be the first person to walk into the meeting, head held high, pen and notebook ready to go. Depending on your goals, look for programs, classes, and/or conferences to improve the knowledge that you need to succeed. Think positive, manage your thoughts, and GO FOR IT.

Successful people are not afraid to be wrong-
Leaders understand that the fear of always being right can limit them.
Finding the right balance of self-confidence may be difficult. If you are over-confident, you may take too many risks or may not try hard enough to be successful. If you are under-confident, you may avoid taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. Finding your personal balance should be based on your abilities and reality.

Successful people focus on the solutions, never the problem-
Life is always going to throw you problems. How you react to the problem builds confidence. If you look past the problem, go straight for solutions, you will go straight to the finish line! Think about this…no stress. No worries. Just pure focus and determination to find the solution!

Successful people build each other up-
Jealousy will get you nowhere! In order for us to grow, individually, we must lend a helping hand to those around us. FACE IT. You will never know everything. No matter how much knowledge you retain. There is no reason to be threatened by others success. Help another so they can help you.

Successful people do not apologize for everything-
Our society has grown to apologize for everything, even when it is not necessary. This is called “sorry syndrome” and you are not alone. Apologizing all the time can actually undermine your self-worth. Regardless of why you do it, STOP. Whether it is for compassion, negative relationships, lack of judgement, or anxiety. JUST STOP.

1. Pause before apologizing to ask yourself if you actually need to.
2. Get to know your triggers.
3. Turn the apology into a gratitude statement. This will focus on the positive aspect, rather than the negative.

No one person has limitless self-confidence. If they appear to have limitless confidence, it is because they have practiced for years and years. DON’T BE JEALOUS. Ask them what they have done to come so far. Help another so they can help you. ?

I am Katrina.

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