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July 26, 2019

Discover Your Best Self While Living The Van Life!

Have you ever wanted to pack up your life and go somewhere new? Does an adventurous, nomadic lifestyle sound like your type of vacation?

Consider living out of your van.

Whether you want to save money or you’re simply itching for more adventure in your life, van living is an inexpensive and exciting way to travel.

With a little preparation and a lot of passion, your van can be your key to living your best life. 

How it Works

Living out of your vehicle might not sound glamorous, but there are ways to make the most out of it.

Basically, van living is just what it sounds like. Rather than paying rent to live in an established, stationary building – you’re always on the move.

Van living is the ultimate form of downsizing, since all of your possessions must fit in an incredibly small space.

Everything you need to sleep, eat, work, and play must be contained within the walls of your vehicle.

Converting Your Van

For veteran van travellers, a fully customized mobile abode is probably the best way to go.

Converting your van into the perfect tiny living space can be as easy as removing your back seats and inserting platforms for sleeping, seating, and storage.

Even without tearing apart your vehicle, you can still make yourself comfortable.

Sleeping in the passenger seat doesn’t have to be a nightmare, with a few key tips.

Using “furniture” that doubles as storage is another way to maximize space.

Wooden crates can function as a seat or ottoman as well as your pantry or medicine cabinet. A picnic cooler can serve as your mobile refrigerator and coffee table.

Even a small mattress can be your couch, bed, and workspace

Adapt Your Nighttime Routine

A good night’s sleep depends on more than just your surroundings. The gear you use is important, as well.

Ultra-light backpacking gear such as compressible sleeping bags, pillows, and sleeping mats are ideal for extremely small spaces. Even if you can’t fit a mattress in the back of your van, you can still get a good night’s sleep.

For more adventurous travellers, sleeping under the stars might be more appealing.

As long as you have a tent and/or sleeping bag, the world can be your bedroom.

Just make sure to research where you can or cannot set up camp for the night, since many overnight areas have restrictions regarding what equipment you can use. 

Staying Charged and Connected

When it comes to electricity and utilities, waste is your worst enemy.

Invest in a few battery packs and an emergency voltage converter to stay powered up, even when you’re parked.

It’s best to charge electronics when you’re actively driving. Keeping your car on without the engine running is a quick way to drain your battery.

Even if you have internet access on your phone, free Wi-Fi can help you save battery power and money on data fees.

Many restaurants, rest stops, and other establishments provide free Wi-Fi. If you need to work on the road, this is a more efficient way to access the internet. 

Prepare for Emergencies

The most important thing to consider is your readiness for potential emergencies.

Living in your van limits your storage space, so you need to be vigilant when it comes to replenishing tools and supplies.

Keep enough blankets, water, non-perishable food, and other necessities on hand if you happen to break down or get lost.

You never know when a disaster will happen, so planning ahead is your best defense. 

Working remotely is becoming more and more common each day, which makes living off the grid is easier than ever before. 

If you want to live a life full of adventure, spontaneity, and flexibility, hop in your van and keep driving! With the right tools and enough planning, your best life is only a tank of gas away.

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