July 26, 2019

How to Subtly avoid People: an Introvert’s Guide to Peace.

Dear fellow introvert,

An extra amount of solitude is necessary for us to feel sane, yet finding ways to explain that to extroverts can be tricky.

Just because we don’t want to go doesn’t mean we don’t like them. That can be hard to get across kindly.

As an introvert myself, I know how easy it is to get pulled into social situations if a proper excuse isn’t prepared ahead of time. Once you’re out, it’s just as easy to stay out longer than desired if a clever departure hasn’t been planned.

Here are some cheeky cover stories for when “I just want to be home” isn’t going to cut it:


1. For when a phone conversation is going a bit too long for your introverted self…


2. For when the party just hasn’t ended yet…



3. For when you have guests over and they won’t leave…



4. For the tough days at work when you have no place to go, but sleep pods aren’t a thing yet…



5. For when you are out on a run and bump into your talkative neighbor…



6. For when you see that acquaintance at the grocery store…

Note: Phones work as a substitute for a paper grocery list when needed.


7. And for that time you just don’t want to d*mn go…

Get the full guide from The Escape Manual for Introverts by Katie Vaz.

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Katie Vaz  |  Contribution: 240

author: Katie Vaz

Image: From The Escape Manual for Introverts by Katie Vaz, Andrews McMeel Publishing

Editor: Michelle Gean