August 7, 2019

Horoscope for August 6th-8th: channel Leo’s Fiery Energy & Lighten things Up.

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed

The Sun, Venus, and Mars are all in the fiery sign of Leo while the Moon is in Scorpio.

With three planets in fire signs right now, we might be feeling a little dramatic, bossy, or more physical than usual. But, the Moon eases this tension a bit since it is in Scorpio telling us to settle down, be quiet, and stop being so loud.

This conflict may have you feeling a little tense, but don’t get caught up in the tension. Instead, use all this Leo energy to lighten things up, and have a little fun.

What to Expect in the Following Days:

The Sun, Venus, and Mars are all still in Leo.

But, the Moon and Jupiter are now in Sagittarius. That puts five planets in fire signs now. This time is all about finding joy and channeling our fun factor. This fiery energy is asking us to get up and move—go for a walk or ride our bikes. Whatever we do, move your Chi.


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author: Debra Silverman

Image: Vadim Sadovski/Unsplash

Editor: Michelle Gean