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October 13, 2019

5 Love Languages of Yoga


I was recently re-reading two books that have been on my shelf for many years. The books are titled, “The 5 Love Languages of Children” written by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell, and “The 5 Love Languages” for adults, which was also written by Chapman. As an elementary teacher, the kid’s version of these books was extremely compelling to me! As a wife, the adult version was extremely helpful.  Both books got me thinking – can our love languages be met through yoga?  As both books state, we all have love languages that speak to us. All humans need their love buckets full in order to function successfully. When our buckets are empty, we feel lost, broken, ignored, and unimportant.  With that said, can yoga help us? Let’s dive in…


Yoga (especially partner yoga) is a perfect platform in which physical movement and cooperative teamwork creates natural opportunities to meet the language of physical touch. Poses such as Tree Pose with hands-held, Down Dog with hands overlapping, or Boat Pose with the soles of feet together are three great examples. Many adults, teens in particular, feel uncomfortable doing partner poses at first.  Beginners often giggle initially, but soon realize the unique bonding experience, and come to admire the trust level partner yoga requires.

Also, if you’re someone that needs physical touch to feel loved, taking classes where a teacher gives meaningful hands-on adjustments, or ends class with a gentle forehead massage, is just what you need!


As a yoga teacher myself, I am constantly teaching my students to speak words of kindness towards others, but especially towards themself. Further, yoga teachers share words of encouragement with their students daily!  Affirmations are vital when helping students build confidence with their unique talents and abilities.  There is a saying that students don’t truly hear what you say, until you’ve said it at least three times. The more a teacher practices affirmations, with his/her classes, the more their students believe in them.

If you are someone that needs affirmations to feel loved, practice saying them to yourself daily.  Even a simple post-it note on a mirror, visible when you wake up, is a great way to show self-care.


As media, job expectations, and parent activities continue to require more and more time spent away from family, people who need this love language may feel more alone than ever before. However, yoga classes can be a great way to sprinkle a little quality time in with your loved ones or friends! Most yoga studios I know, also create a sense of community that fills like a family and ultimately fills your heart up too!


This love language took me a while to think about, in regards to making a connection with yoga.  However, I eventually came to the conclusion that a simple action such as, a class having your favorite song, a teacher using your favorite essential oil, or a classmate sliding over to make room for you, are all ways that people share their gifts with you as a yogi.

Also, receiving new yoga pants, a new yoga mat, or a gift card to a yoga studio never went unwanted by any yoga practitioner I know!  Therefore, if you’re someone that needs gifts to feel loved, it doesn’t hurt to sending a loving nudge to your loved ones – giving them a tip on what you want for your next birthday!


In yoga, we learn to be grateful, selfless, mindful, and present.  We also focus on breath.  All of these actions keep our bodies calm.  Further, all of these actions allow us to be our best selves – on and off our mats!

Therefore, yoga allows us to be less stressed, happier, and a more giving person.  When I take a yoga class, I am empowered to do kind things, because people are constantly being kind to me!  Little things like a student sliding their mat over to make room for me, or a student letting me stand in front of them at the water fountain.  Also, a student holding the door for me, or letting me take the last towel, etc.  They might be minor things in the scheme of life, but those little actions go a long way when performed daily!

In conclusion, if you are someone who is looking for something that brings you purpose, fills your heart, allows you to find gratitude, and fills your bucket of love – take a yoga class today!  I promise, with time, you will fill far from empty or alone.


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