This article is written in partnership with Salus Defense—dedicated to benefiting your well-being with preventative medicine. ~ ed.
There are a lot of people selling a lot of magic formulas for health, these days.
It’s not a new phenomenon, but lately, it seems to have intensified with the popularization of “wellness,” and it’s left us all confused and even misinformed about what’s actually going to help us.
Health is not one-dimensional. It’s not something we can buy in a bottle. It’s as much in the many, tiny choices we make every day as in the major ones.
That said, there are some big things we can do, and a few products out there that may increase our odds of good health in the long and short term.
Long term: most of us know by now that our gut health is a cornerstone of our well-being as a whole. But many of us don’t know that changing our diet and taking probiotics may not do the job to stop the epidemic of chronic inflammation & autoimmune disease that our western lifestyles are causing. Read on to find out why >>
Short term: as the seasons change, we see an increase in viral infections, particularly the common cold and the flu. The average person suffers from 200 colds in their lifetime. These infections are so common because they’re so easily passed on, through direct and indirect contact.
Taking a specialized structured silver supplement like Salus Defense could help to not only to kill viruses but prevent them from taking hold in the first place.
“Silver is one of the greatest natural pathogenic fighters known to man. Structured silver has the ability to remove a hydrogen electron from water-soluble life forms, killing them, while leaving normal cells and probiotic bacteria intact and healthy. Taking structured silver regularly supports your immune system in fighting bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites. Eliminating these pathogenic microorganisms can save your life and help you create the life you are looking for.” ~ Dr. Troy Giles
Because of the special energetic bonding of structured silver to water molecules, it destroys virtually all of the bad bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and fungus it comes into contact with from the moment it enters your body while leaving all of the good bacteria completely unharmed.
Salus Defense structured silver gel can be used for a wide range of things. It is effective against acne, athletes foot, psoriasis, redness, bug bites, sunburn, bee stings, diaper rash, and so much more. Customers report quick relief from itchy skin and bug bites as well. You can even brush your teeth with it to help manage bacteria and gum issues.
This is because silver particles are missing an electron from their outer ring, and so, when they come into contact with bacteria, viruses, or yeast, they attempt to steal an electron from the pathogen.
Because pathogens have simple water-soluble cell walls made of single electrons, when silver steals an electron from pathogens, it ruptures the pathogen’s cell—kind of like if you were to pop a water balloon. Healthy cells, on the other hand, have a lipid bilayer, which means they stop water-soluble absorption.
In layman’s terms: structured silver kills bad bacteria in the body, without harming the good. Here’s what this means for your gut & immune health >>
Your first line of defense
We’re not inclined to share something with our readers without trying it ourselves.
So, here’s what Elephant’s own Chief Revenue Officer and legendary man of brutal honesty, Dave Rogers, had to say about his experience of Salus Structured Silver:
“I have had the immune system of a sickly child for much of the past decade despite a solid B+ adherence to most of the best practices from nutritionists and western doctors.
When our partner team said, ‘Dave—man of many illnesses—would you try Salus and see if it’s useful?’ I said…’You want me to test ingesting silver? Really?’
Let’s look that up…Mayo Clinic says that can turn me into a Smurf—no kidding, you can turn blue or grey! Okay, note the dosage carefully.*
I am no nutritionist and I am no biochemist, but I do confidently believe that conventional thinking of what we do and what we should ingest is well flawed.
So I go to my local holistic pharmacy and I talk to my main man Mathew who says silver is best for acute infections and that, in fact, it’s super potent for that purpose, both topically and systemically…
Well, fortuitously I guess one could say, my minor head cold simultaneously started migrating into my ear canal and I began getting those twinges of electrical impulse pain in my ear that reminded me of childhood when an earache was tantamount to a Shark bite of suffering…
Knowing I was flying to Europe in a matter of days, I committed to the Salus—as directed on the package—two teaspoons, twice a day and kept up all my other behaviors like probiotics and guess what? The ear subsided rather quickly and nothing in my head burst on the plane.
The taste is like water from a country I haven’t been to yet—something in the pipes that’s unfamiliar but comforting. Nothing seemed weird during or after. I am not blue or gray. My ear never got acute.
I can’t say with certainty in any clinical trial kind of way that Salus is magic, but I did avoid my ills worsening at a time they historically would have.
My pharmacy buddy also mentioned that this product would be particularly good for topical infections—not swearing just sharing.”
*Editorial team fact check: not unless you overdose on probably homemade silver concoctions to the point that you ignore all the warning signs, do you have any chance of developing argyria (blue skin). Structured silver is pH balanced, safe, effective in small amounts, and suitable for daily use.
Get an exclusive introductory deal on Salus Structured Silver >>
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