November 21, 2019

A major Band declines to Tour their new album, citing Climate Change.

I was just saying over a vegan yummy Seed Ranch-hot lunch at Flower Child to an eco-inspired best friend that Greta’s stand against air travel, even if impractical for the masses (it could be argued that climate change will continue to be more and more…impractical, but), really helped us all get that air travel is, you know, unethical, at least if we’re failing to carbon offset it with an ethical company.

And then I see this. This is so cool. ~ Waylon, ed-in-chief.

Coldplay’s Chris Martin released the most heart-warming interview in which he speaks about the band’s decision not to tour their newest album.

Why? Because they wish to create a sustainable tour model. They want to be carbon neutral, eliminate single-use plastic, and use solar power. But there’s more: their intention is to create a tour that is “actively beneficial.”

Be still my heart.

This band is setting a new precedent in the music industry and not just that, but setting an example for fans around the world. In order to make change, first we, as a population, have to be willing to speak about it. We have to come together and find new solutions, willing to change our ways. What better way to open that conversation than with music?

Whether you’re a Coldplay fan or not, three cheers to the band for making the stand and for being willing to make the changes.

May this be the start of many conversations and the first domino to fall as we chase our way one step closer to a more sustainable lifestyle.

And in true Elephant style, may it be of benefit.

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author: Molly Murphy

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