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November 25, 2019

“It could be Worse”

Uh, your not grieving are you?
Psh, best hope not- not on their listening to your life time.

Uh, your not upset still are you?
Psh, that’s ridiculous- I’m tired of hearing about it.

Uh, that’s still going on?
Psh, you need to deal with it.

Uh, you haven’t dealt with it yet?
I would’ve been dealt with that by now .

Uh, you walked yourself into that.
Aka no feels in the rubble are allowed.

Uh, Why is that such a big deal to her?
Psh, it could’ve been worse
The best – “well I’ve been through worse”

Listen here people – we don’t get to weigh people’s feels based on our reactions to them.

We don’t get to choose if they are worthy or valid in the heavyness of what something feels like for someone.

You heal faster?
Cool bro, they aren’t done trudging yet.

That doesn’t bother you?
Cool bro, everyone’s demons are different.

You would’ve handled things differently or maybe even never “went there”?
Awesome, it wasn’t your journey or your obstacle to have to go through

People will let ya know :

If you are deemed worthy of
Being angry
Being heartbroken
Of sadness
Of pain
Of sulking
Of fighting
Not forgiving
Opening up
Taking time

But guess what …. they don’t know how something rattles within YOU & what area of your soul it rocks to bring growth, healing, and awareness.

They are basing their reactions based off of their own personal views, values, experiences, pain, hardness and openness, their paths and their upbringings, their shadows and their triggers, their tough times and their risings, their support systems or their lack their of, their assumptions, their current feels and emotional state & their outside view looking in.

We are tested in areas that need growth, in areas where we need evaluation and love and awareness brought to, in areas that help us connect our own dots & in areas where we need to do some work and to love and listen to ourselves – therefore ones biggest trudge may not seem soul rocking to another’s.

Your feelings are valid.
Your trudge is just as mucky as the next grinders beside you regardless of what the mud looks like to the trudger beside you.

If it hurts- it hurts
If it’s hard- it’s hard
If it’s sad – it’s legit sad
If it’s beautiful and feels like peace – that’s what it is to YOU .
If your grieving longer or differently then the next person – honor it, it’s okay

Honor that & your journey enough to feel whatever that is to you.
Because that is what is for YOU.

This (whatever it may be) was set for you …
So don’t allow others interpretations keep you from feeling fully or from fully being all in to what your journey has brought you too.

And when you see the next trudger struggling in their muck when your easily wading through – check in, offer love and light, ask them about it, stand with them in it enough for them to feel seen and heard and root then on in the most fiercest way.

I see you.

Sending love,
The Soul Grind

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