December 10, 2019

The new Youngest Leader of the World is a Woman. ~ Waylon

She’s young. And yeah, she ain’t a man. And yeah, she’s in charge. And there, it ain’t all that abnormal—the ultimate goal of feminism being equality, being making equality commonplace.

The world’s youngest leader is a woman:

“Finnish minister Sanna Marin, 34, to become world’s youngest PM.”

Hopeful news of the day. The world’s new youngest leader is only 34. She’s not an old white man, she’s a woman. And the four other leaders of her government? They’re all women.

Reader comments:

“Sanna Marin’s accomplishments are not only remarkable because she’s young for a PM and female. She also has a working class background, and she was raised by a single mother who during her later childhood got into a relationship with a woman, so she’s also from a ‘rainbow family’ as we say here in Finland. She’s the first from her family to graduate high school and to go to university.

She studied public administration theory and while she was still at university, she became well-known in the whole country due to her calm and competent leadership in her city’s city council whose chairwoman she became at the age of 28, during a particularly turbulent period for that city council.

It remains to be seen what kind of a PM she will be, but her selection for the position alone shows that our social democracy makes it possible for people of all backgrounds to become top politicans – and without any student debts.”

“And the lead of Green party is Maria Ohisalo, who comes from even tougher circumstances.”

“Finland being progressive isn’t accidental. Its a result of decades of productive government policy.

In example Finland takes Fake News seriously https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2019/05/europe/finland-fake-news-intl/ . They state that stopping fake news starts in Kindergarten.

Finland takes school seriously https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/why-are-finlands-schools-successful-49859555/

The thing Americans fail at continuously is forgetting that when society sucks the best, and sometimes only, place to change it, is government. Instead Americans retreat to their fox holes and pretend that large problems can be fixed by charity and small solutions. The world progresses by the success of government and regresses by the failure of government.”

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