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December 13, 2019

Trees, harbinger of tomorrow, standing in the past

Trees, tall and strong


We need you

to hold on in the rage

of the whopping

political storm.



we need you

when the rain floods

of corruption

carry away all the topsoil.


Leaves and needles,

we need you

when the air pollution

of the daily discourse

makes breathing difficult.


There is the beech tree,

and the friendly ash.

The aspen tree colony is older

than all of our humankind.

I would hug you, birch tree,

if you came for a visit,

a peaceful neighbor from the north.


My friends the oak trees

grumble quietly

and ignore the hostile comments.

I also like the acacias

with their golden flowers,

well-protected with their thorns

calmly ignoring

the daily squabbles.


Let us breathe like the trees,

let us grow strong roots,

let us stretch upwards,

let us display our panoply,

let us live together

in the ancient forest.

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