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January 16, 2020

Find a lover who fits your future not your history

We’ve all made plenty of wrong choices in the past but that doesn’t mean we should let those decisions define our future. The man whom I want to spend my life with understands my anxiety, my traumas and the inner child in me. We all carry our baggage with us all through life, some leaves scars that shapes our psyche and how we think today. It’s easy to go back to our comfort zones, the very same ones that left us broken and hurt in the past because of our bad decisions that might have fed our need for attention even if it was negative and self destructive. Our dark and twisted parts of us does not always lead us to the people we need in our lives as we are generally attracted to the ones that triggers adrenaline and excitement as those can usually take over our rational line of thought.
The man I wish to spend my life with understands my needs, whilst being there for me when in need. He understands that love or a mimicked show of emotion is not enough for a strong independent woman. He knows that she will leave if she feels that she deserves better. No point in taking things for granted because a strong independent woman knows her worth and she stays because she thought about all the reasons why she shouldn’t but she still choose you repeatedly.
This is her last chance as her heart is tired and she knows this. She’s giving her all not because she doesn’t believe that other men doesn’t exist but because she deserves a peaceful life and one needs to prove his worthiness in order to be given a faithful chance. #amazonwarriors

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