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February 16, 2020

An Apology To Myself

I’m sorry, truly sorry for the constant mistakes I made and put you through in order for me to grow. I apologise for all the chances I gave to unworthy people I accepted in my life when they were undeserving of chances of my love, of my respect, but my weakness to respect and care for someone that is broken overcomes all fears to take care of myself. This doesn’t mean that I will change for I will always be a carer, will always love, as love is the hydration to my soul but I promise to be cautious and give chances to the worthy and deserving of my gifts.

I understand that you went through pain, you touched the bottom multiple times because of the faith I have in love and in the possibility to achieve an endless version of it, where two people fight for each other and not against, where it is understood that work needs to be done, that it doesn’t come easy and those who experienced an authentic relationship knows that there will be times where you crave nothing more to just quit and leave, the anger that drives you to give up and then as soon as the realisation hits in, that person that is in front of you is the partner you want to keep fighting for because your life without them will be unbearable. We make a choice, a choice to choose our hard in life between having to work for the person that we love the most or a life without them. That choice needs to be consistent, give stability and security as without it we can’t expect to be loved fully and authentically. Our partner needs to feel safe that when things get tough, we’re not going to bail out. It is that safety net that we must preserve, running back to each other as there is no room for stubbornness.

So I apologise if I gave permission to people that were undeserving, people that didn’t understand the value and the capacity to fight for what you love.

I understand your pain, I am here for you during this transition, so we grow, we become a stronger version of what you were before this trauma. Have faith, trust the universe and the bigger plan there is in store for you as that will keep hope alive. With hope, we are warriors, unstoppable to keep going, to keep moving forward, to forgive ourselves and aim higher.

Trust the process. You are a survivor. You are worthy.

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