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February 16, 2020

Invest in those that can give you time…

Invest in those that can give you time

Invest in those that can give you time, as time is a sharing of life. Useless is the convenient texting if someone is not willing to give you his time.

We are so caught up in social media that we’re blindly getting caught up in having virtual relationships and friendships where a text is enough to sustain us, to prevent us from feeling lonely. Preventing us from putting ourselves out there to actually meet worthy people that really wants us, all of us. I for one, do not wish to spend my life with my head burried into my phone waiting for a text message from a man that is not invested in me. I want to live, I want to experience love, to enjoy the sun, the travelling, the joys of living, wether in a relationship or single, it doesn’t matter. Life can be fully satisfying either way. Those whom are not worthy of my time, are not worthy of my attention, we can easily fulfil our day with various meaningless persons that are just lonely. Truth be told they will be just taking up valuable space for someone worthy that needs you with your head held high so he can notice you are there and available to say Hello. That is all it takes.

I do not wish to invest my time in someone that is so caught up living his single life and selfishly trying to build a relationship with me if he’s not willing to make the necessary adjustments to make room and space for me, as another person in his life. I too have my own needs and dreams and I too wish to achieve my level of happiness and that is simply not it.

The best way forward is to make your needs and wishes clear and if that person really wants you then he will step up his game and show you that it is you he wants. A man knows what he wants and he will do everything in his power to make that well known. He doesn’t need a woman showing him the way, that is how his psyche works, he works to achieve and a woman is nothing less in his mind. If that  isn’t clear as Steve Harvey once said “learn to ride a horse and run”

Make room for what’s worthy the rest is just like that useless old car you’re waiting to get rid of taking up space for a new one!

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