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March 29, 2020

Once upon a time when nature unleashed havoc. Are homo sapiens near to extinction?

Once upon a time when nature unleashed havoc


History might or might not see this one time again when millions sit caged inside their homes and birds fly free. Birds seem to be flying and singing with higher degree of glee and freedom. Leaves seems to be turning more greener, chirping of house sparrows  has become more clearer, parrots  are flocking together in large numbers decorating the trees. It seems that they are in the eye of the storm wherein calmness and stillness prevails.

But on the other hand, this is a crucial time for human race when they should ponder over the current scenario long before their species is covered under the dust of history. Each of them is sitting inside their locked homes fearing talking to any one, let alone shaking hands. The world has come to a standstill.

Objects in the mirror might be nearer than they appear” says a rear view mirror of a vehicle. It seems that words are little interchanged and it says “ End of the survival of human race might be nearer than it appears” Is it not so? Is not the current scenario not acting as pointer to a sad future whose seeds were sown a long way back when humans were taking toll over other life forms swimming in the sea of unawareness , selfishness and greed.  They have forgotten  a crucial fact that like humans, animal and plants are equal stakeholders on the planet.

As happiness is a manifestation of a joyful state of affairs of body and mind, likewise this pandemic is a manifestation of the gloominess of human race as they mishandled the resources, exploited the nature to such an extent that it has brought their existence in danger. Everyday hundreds are dying and no one is able to do anything about it, no matter how powerful he “thinks” he is. Nature has brought human kind to its knees making them a mere spectator.

Does this not lead us to the conclusion that we humans are mere puppets who will dance to the tune of a greater power? Then why challenge such greater power? Why challenge nature? We are mere clot of blood covered by skin which conceals the pungent stinkiness of this blood . Are we more than a blood carcass?

Let this situation act like a thunder in the egoistic minds of human race to shatter their myth of invincibility, paramountness, dominance and supremeness. Not only in the physical realm are we harming the nature but also in the mental realm as well. Today every second person is suffering from anxiety, and depression overwhelmed by the pace of 21st century where desires are paramount to happiness. We have been taught to run, run for the best job, best relationship, best house. But nobody taught the parameter of  assessing this illusion of “best everything” .

The virus has brought the world to a standstill and took the reigns in its own hands when it no longer can take the physical and mental garbage of human race. Nature taught us that enough is enough. Obsession of human race of alienating other life forms came with a heavy price. As Mark twain said Humans are Noisome Bacillus whom our Heavenly father created as He was disappointed in the monkeys.

Co-existence with other life forms has been the prescript and degree of time immemorial. If we challenge this decree, nature will strike us so hard that we will be left with only one option to either change or get extinct. To change is to evolve. It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but who can best manage change.

Ego will sabotage us from our very roots. Unless we are totally destroyed as mind there is no hope for us. The same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use.  In the long history of human kind and animal kind those who learned to collaborate and improvise most efficiently have prevailed.

Humans created satellites, rovers to be sent to Mars, manufactured the most lethal and advanced weapons of all times but they have been proved incapable to tackle a particle which is 0.3 microns n diameter. Such is the power of nature. It is high time we rise above the eccentricities of our malignant minds to understand the oneness of all. We have been accorded enough time in the form of “lockdown” to look within ourselves and align to the fundamental order of the universe.

One of the most important lessons this virus has taught us is that there is no “me”. What one does, affects each and everybody else in the Universe. So, it not about me, it is about “us”. It is about the collective as a whole.

Many people are posting on facebook and other social media that how bored they are and how difficult it is to be at home. I can bet that out of these, majority would have been loathing for a holiday but when it on the way their mind is focusing on “not having”,  not having enough freedom, not having enough snacks at home, not having enough data pack and what not. But is a rare opportunity provided to human race. There will not be many times when there will be no factory smoke, when sky will be clear and blue, when there will be no cluttering and clamoring of people on roads. The dire calmness is so profound that you can literally hear the “sound of silence”.

Why not soak ourselves in this stillness without letting this aloofness become loneliness. This time has been sent like a desert served in a plate. Just sit back and relax. Connect with yourself. Knowing your true self and not the “conceptual self” will build strong ties with others as well. Only then you can rise above mind and body to see every life form as “soul form”. Realization of this connectedness with the Universe is our panacea or in next few years, remains of human beings will be unearthed by the very next species just like we excavate dinosaurs today.  Go grab your coffee, sit by a window side, read a book, make an aesthic ambience around yourself, hear some music, meditate or dip yourself in Yoga. Let us find our true self.

Navkiran Brar

Thinker, Writer, Mind Body healer , Bank Officer by profession



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