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March 17, 2020

The Equinox, COVID-19, and How to Deal According to Your Zodiac Sign

March 19 marks the earliest Spring Equinox in 124 years. The Spring Equinox is the astrological new year. It’s a potent moment when the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, connects to the first sign of the zodiac, Aries.

In astrology, Pisces rules over our ability to dissolve our personal identities in favor of greater and greater states of consciousness. Pisces rules states of meditation, where your sense of ‘I’ dissolves so you can access the esoteric truth that you are so much more than what you think.

Conversely, Aries rules over the ‘I’ sense. Aries constructs the ego and boldly asserts that you have wants, needs, and purposes for your individual life. Aries energy activates and asserts, driving you toward your individual goals.

The Spring Equinox is a moment that offers you the powerful perspective of both signs. You are, and have always been, both. You are yourself, and you are connected to universal consciousness. You are the meditation and the meditator. You are the creative spark of individuality and the universe.

This year, the Equinox comes at a particularly potent moment as the world faces deep anxiety and concern surrounding COVID-19. At this astrological moment celebrating balance and equality, we are being asked a question: what does it mean to have equality? What does it mean to have balance? 

One of the great secrets of balance is that it’s always in flux. Nothing can remain balanced if it can’t navigate change.

This Equinox, take a moment to stand on the precipice of who you are on every level of your being. Celebrate yourself as consciousness, as humanity, as a soul, as a being, and as you.

Below, check out your zodiac sign for how to best engage with the energy of the Spring Equinox. (If you’re familiar with astrology, check out your rising sign and your moon sign as well.)


You probably know what you want for yourself and those around you, so this Equinox, spend some time thinking how you can align what you personally want to do with the greater good of all around you. Is there a project you’ve been doing for yourself that could have an auxiliary benefit for others? How does aligning your own will benefit all beings? (Hint, it almost always does.)


Taurus energy is the most stable of the entire zodiac, yet it’s been given some shake-ups lately. This Equinox, spend some time spreading your inner and outer stability to those around you. Could someone use a friend to talk to or a shared meal? If you’re feeling the crazy energy of the moment, can you give those creature comforts to yourself? 


Your gift is your quick wit, and here’s a moment when you can offer balance to the world by putting things in perspective. Sure, the energy out there is heavy, but you know that the best way to make it through uncertain times is to balance out the dreary with the positive. This Equinox, offer your perspective to those around you, and also take the time to listen and observe.


Isn’t it nice to stay home sometimes? If you’re social distancing (or in a city under lock down), sometimes too much of a nice thing is still too much. This Equinox, find a way to balance creating comfort with taking actions (even if they’re from the comfort of your own home). What can you do to make both your home and the world a more caring place?


Leo, you tend to be robust, healthy, and able to lead. This Equinox, use those gifts for the good of those around you. Take your natural ability to shine to add some brightness to the days of those around you. You’ll be adding balance to the world by simply being yourself, with others.


Oh Virgo, you already know all about details and cleanliness. You’re able to focus on small practical things, and that’s what makes you so technically prepared for moments when things are hard. This Equinox, take time for mental and emotional details. How are you focusing on the small things that truly balance details with your big-picture wellbeing?


Libra, as the autumnal Equinox sign, you’re used to balance. This Equinox, remember that balance isn’t always perfect. The scales are always tipping in order to remain steady. Allow yourself to experience the depths and the highs of your own being. This is where true beauty, balance, and peace lie.


Scorpio, you’re used to examining your shadows. You might even have some moments where you dwell in your shadow aspects more than in your sunnier side. This Equinox, remember that shadows aren’t bad, they simply are a bit more hidden. Your task is to draw shadows more fully into light so that what’s hidden can be fully expressed, healed, and if necessary, released.


Sagittarius has the gift of seeing light in the dark. Your task this Equinox is to find the balance between light and dark, and between philosophy and practical application. What are the issues you’d most like to think through and solve? Can resting give you deeper insights? Can taking action make the world a better place?


Capricorn, you’ve been pressure cooking for the past year, and all of those trials have given you an unshakable inner strength and fortitude. This is a moment when your resolve is being put to the test. How to succeed? Take time to rest. Take time to reflect and articulate the vision of the world you truly want to see manifested into reality. I have no doubt you’ll create it.


This is a moment where Aquarian energy is key! As the natural humanitarian of the zodiac, you’ll be able to offer some key help to those around you. Does someone need logical reassurance to regain balance in life? You have that perspective. Is there a need that you can fill while the world goes through an unprecedented time? You’ve got this.


It’s easy to want to escape reality for a time and float in the ether of what gives you deep joy and inspiration. This equinox, resist that urge! Instead, try to go deep within to figure out what actions you can take to make your most beautiful visions come to life. Then take those actions!

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