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March 16, 2020

The Shelf Life of CBD Oil and the Best Ways to Store CBD Oil

The Shelf Life of CBD Oil and the Best Ways to Store CBD Oil

Just like with any other medication, supplement or health product, CBD oil needs to be stored in a specific manner. This will help keep the product fresh, but the potency is also something to take into consideration. If you want to receive all of the potential full benefits of CBD without having to worry if a product will still work, proper storage is key.

What is the Shelf Life of CBD Oil?

When you purchase CBD oil, it’s a good idea to see if the manufacturer has provided any information on how you should store the item. You can follow these directions for the best results. In general, CBD oil will last for about one to two years if it is stored properly. It should be kept in a dark area that maintains room temperature. Some people find that freezing their oil allows it to maintain its potency for even longer. Keep your CBD out of direct sunlight. You should also keep it away from an area that heats up due to sunlight or a direct heat source.

Does the Extraction Method Used Affect CBD Oil Shelf Life?

There are a few different methods of extraction used to produce a CBD product. The safest and most commonly used method is CO2 extraction. There are chemical solvents that can extract the CBD from cannabis, but chemical solvents tend to be dangerous when consumed later on. Chemicals can also cause the CBD to break down. Products made with CO2 extraction can often last much longer than something using chemicals or steam. Steam extraction produces a pretty unstable CBD product that can break down quickly over a short period of time.

Does Packaging Affect CBD Oil Shelf Life?

You’ll notice that many CBD products come in amber colored bottles that are made of glass. This is to keep sunlight away from the product. Glass will also help protect the CBD from environmental heat. If you have capsules filled with CBD oil that are not protected by a good quality bottle, the capsules will absorb moisture. They will start to break down in just a few short months. While it might cost a little bit more money for you to invest in a high quality CBD product in proper packaging, this is a good way to save money in the long run. Be careful that you don’t put your CBD product anyplace that could compromise the integrity of the packaging. This allows the packaging to do its job.

The Best Ways to Store Your CBD Oil

It’s important to properly store your CBD in order to protect the quality of the product. The way that you store your CBD oil will largely depend on the type of product that it is. Oil can be stored in a cabinet that protects the product from the elements. Many people place their CBD in the fridge or freezer. If you’re taking it on-the-go with you a lot, make sure you’re not leaving it in a hot car or extremely cold car. It also helps to keep the CBD oil at a consistent temperature. Moving it from cold to warm and back again isn’t beneficial.

Final Thoughts

CBD is a very safe and natural product that can provide you with all kinds of wonderful health benefits. If you take the time to pick out a product that will help you balance your health and promote wellbeing, it’s a good idea to find a way to properly store your investment. This will ensure you’re reaping the benefits of a potent product. If you find that one form of CBD would be easier for you to store than another, it might be wise to stick with that type of product. Some people like individually dosed products because they aren’t toting around an entire bottle of product. People who use CBD at home won’t need to worry about the outside elements too much. Storing it in a safe place each day is perfectly convenient.

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