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April 2, 2020

15 Affirmations for Encouragement

Affirmations are a way to encourage yourself in times of need.  It is also a great way to get your thoughts on a positive and affirming note.  I know it is hard to stay positive and happy and in times like these, it becomes even more difficult.  There’s a lot of negative talk and energy going around with the current COVID-19.  There’s so much uncertainty and negativity it’s hard to remain positive.

People are wearing masks and gloves in the stores that are open.  We have been advised to stay at least one cart apart when shopping yes it can become overwhelming.  One day we were hustling and bustling and the next it was all put to a halt and not knowing when it will end or if we will return to our “normal” lives can be very overwhelming.

Encouraging yourself is a great way to keep a smile on your face.  Yes, in times like these you can smile and laugh.  So, when you are feeling like you have had enough with remote work, family, and just being in the house I would invite you to start to take your mind to some positive affirmations.  Also, reciting the affirmations in the present tense works best and don’t be shy to say them out loud and believe what you are telling yourself.

Uncertainty:  Will bare a lot of unnecessary weight on you.  It becomes very forceful like a weight on your shoulders and it’s about projecting into the future the what-ifs, when, and creating a sense of high alert and terror on ourselves.  Use the affirmations below to overcome uncertainty in your life.

  1. I give up freely what no longer serves me. I release it to create space for what inspires me.
  2. I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire
  3. I will be present in all things and thankful for all things-Maya Angelou
  4. I am filled with positive energy and overflow with joy
  5. My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity

Clarity:  It is important to have your thoughts well organized it is easier to carry around and lighter than not being sure what to do.  The thing about clarity is that with it you will have reinforcement that you are moving in the right direction and without it, you will see yourself moving in a circle.  Using affirmations can help you gain control of your thoughts and ultimately lead you in the direction you want to go.

  1. I take time to think when I need to
  2. My life is well balanced
  3. My thoughts are organized
  4. I have control over my thoughts
  5. I release my instinctive tranquility to take over


Vision:  You will wander around in life until you have a clear vision.  Having a vision will provide a sense of purpose and direction.  Vision establishes your long- and short-term goals.  Vision gives you the ability to make your dreams come true.

  1. I create it, I see it often. I ordain it.  I manifest it and I myself do achieve it!
  2. I have a clear vision of my blessed purpose
  3. I inspire my inner vision
  4. I believe I can do anything
  5. I am the architect of my life, I build its foundation and choose its content

Affirmation and meditation are important to your life.  Remember you are what you tell yourself you are.  So, fill your mind and heart with good things.  It’s never about the situation you are going through but the person you will become when it’s over.

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