July 31, 2020

It’s Time to Fall in Love with yourself (Again); it’s Time to Give yourself a Break.

A brain break. A soul break. 

Because, speaking of breaks, you feel like you are breaking—too much media, too many distractions, too many feelings, too much to do. All of it is hitting you—all at once.

If you’re here, it’s likely because you, too, need a break from outside distractions. You, too, need to put all of your focus into nourishing your inner self. You need to center yourself, find your own peace. You need to fall in love with yourself—again.

“I’m not ready to absorb any more information. I’m not finished digesting what’s on my plate. If you need me, don’t. I need me right now.”  

That is what I say to everyone before turning my notifications off and limiting calls to only certain people.

Refocus. Reset. Accept. Accept that this is where you are right now.

I’ve given myself three rules to guide me into this space:

1. Don’t look at your phone when you first wake up.

2. Grab your journal and write until you can’t write anymore. Write about your sleep, write yourself a love letter, write about your surroundings. What is here—now? What’s outside of your head? What’s outside of your feelings? What are you grateful for? Where is the silence? What can you disconnect from?

3. Permit yourself to relieve the pressure. Disconnect wherever you can, whenever you can.

Now, let go. Let go of all of it: the fear, the pressure, the distractions, the guilt, the shame, the needs of others, the empathy, the triggers. Let go of anything that keeps you from feeling your best.

All you need right now is your mission, a statement, and maybe a reminder that it’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay to take a break. 

It’s okay to need a change. It’s okay to be in the process of finding. Create a balance; take it easy; slow down; minimize.

Be here.

See here.

Breathe here.

Move here.

Hear here.

And let everything else fall away, for now.


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Tiffany Timm  |  Contribution: 52,725

author: Tiffany Timm

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Kate Force