5.7 Editor's Pick
August 1, 2020

An important message by Harrison Ford that needs to be shared.

I get it. When I share a post about Adele dressing up like Beyoncé to pay tribute to her, boom! Everyone reads it.

But when I share this post about Harrison Ford explaining how saving a tree is the most powerful thing we can do……nothing! Still, it’s important that Elephant cover the “boring” things. Help us by reading & sharing them:

“Nature doesn’t need people, people need Nature.” ~ Harrison Ford

“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Iroquois Proverb

“Poignant and powerful. I love hearing anyone speak with passion—but Harrison takes it to another level.”

Even more powerful: he hates public speaking, he gets incredibly nervous. You can feel the tension in his voice.

If nature includes biodiversity, which it does—we are killing it. 50% of bees, gone. 30% of birds, gone. In only half a century. Climate Change on an epic scale. Yes, we need nature. But happy thoughts won’t help Her heal:

The unedited speech:

First step: vote. Vote for those who respect science, and want to get the money out of politics.

More: boycott Amazon, don’t fly, offset if you fly, train more, don’t support cruise ships or container ships, avoid plastic, buy less, protest, lobby, turn off all unused electricity, save water, advocate for saving mature trees and wild lands.

Here’s what the experts say people need to do:

  1. Vote. If you live in a country where this is possible, tell your politicians that climate change is a voting issue for you.

  2. Connect with others working on solutions. According to NASA climatologist and climate activist Dr. James Hansen, becoming an active volunteer with this group is the most impactful thing an individual can do for climate changeDr. Katherine Hayhoe agrees.

  3. Whether you join ER, CCL, 350, Sunrise or any other local climate organization, just jump in and get started.

Three Reddit communities that go into The How:






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