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November 26, 2020

Top 5 Residential Landscaping Tips for 2021

A great-looking lawn requires proper care; it doesn’t just happen itself. It takes lots of maintenance to keep your grass healthy and leafy. Luckily, the secrets to great, lush grass are accessible to anyone who wishes to learn how to flourish in their backyard. Put this easy direction into practice all year long. However, if you want to avoid or reduce the hassle, you can go for the  residential landscaping services in Sharpsburg, GA.

1. Dethatch

 Thatch is a dead plant substance that gathers between the grass blades and roots. A little is fine, even beneficial. But too much thatch is a terrible thing. If your grass has a more than three-quarters of an inch thick layer, it’s high time to dethatch. This can be conducted with a thatch rake suggested for smaller lawns or a power rake mostly used for more extensive lawns. Discarding that layer of thatch will allow water and air to penetrate the soil, strengthening the spirit of your lawn.


2. Pay Attention To The Weather

 Having a weekly routine for errands is a great way to maintain your household, but you can’t ever be so simple when it gets to lawn care. It’s significant to pay attention to the climate so you can adapt your mowing and watering plan accordingly. There’s no advantage to water the lawn if it just rained, and you don’t need to mow if the grass is damp. You should similarly mow less often if your sector is going through a drought since the grass grows more gradually. 


3. Fertilize

 Usually, your soil is not competent to give all the nutrients your turfgrass requires throughout the growing season. That’s why it’s significant to fertilize when needed. The time of fertilization and the type of fertilizer you should utilize is considered by the kind of lawn you are growing. Warm-season lawns should be fertilized as they come out of inactivity in the spring. Cool-season grasses should be fertilized heavily in the autumn and lightly in early spring.


4. Mix Up Your Mowing

 Try to mow your lawn differently every time. Mix up the path you mow to reduce soil compaction, stimulate proper grass blades, and assist you in getting a more even cut.


5. Seed At The Right Time

 Each lawn requires occasional reseeding, whether to help in bare patches or thicken a thriving lawn. For most categories, seeding is more profitable in early spring, though development may be quiet if the weather is cold. Fall is also a significant period to seed. Autumn seeding enables young turfgrass plants to stabilize themselves before winter inactivity, so they’ll have a head start when spring starts.

 Besides this, you can help professionals help you understand and learn the correct timing of seeding. You can call any lawn care or landscaping service in Sharpsburg, GAto avoid any hurdles. 



 Using these top tips to regularly inspect and uphold your lawn, remove any undesirable surface junk such as dead leaves and twigs, and cut back any areas. This creates extra shade will maintain your lawn looking dense and healthy!

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