December 9, 2020

Give yourself a big sweet gentle deep slow long breath right now. ~ Waylon H. Lewis

Give yourself a big sweet gentle deep slow long breath right now.

Here’s an excerpt from Waylon’s second book.


One deep breath is often all we need to come back from fear, anger, upset, stress, burnout. One deep breath, in and out.

So take this moment to give yourself a big, deep, full, smooth breath, in and out, gap, in, gap, out…wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.

No, really.

Do it with me: breathe in, fully, pause, relax and breathe out, fully, pause.

Ah…that’s better. ⁠

Don’t overlook the simple tools this life has given us.

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you’re too busy…then you should sit for an hour.” ~ Zen adage


[Excerpt from Waylon Lewis’ 2nd book, It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with Your Life]

“It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life” is full of the wisdom I’ve learned the hard way, from Buddhist teachings and environmental tips, to everyday mindfulness and caring activism—for you to learn the easy way. It’s my “if I get run over by a truck tomorrow, here’s everything precious to me” book. ~ Waylon Lewis  🐘🧡

Wedding Special: 28% off sitewide.⁠
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