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March 19, 2021

Astrology: A Look Back at 2020 and Insights for 2021

Photo by Jacub Gomez on Pexels.

It has been over a year since the Covid shutdowns began upending our lives in the US and throughout the world. The combination of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto all in the sign of Capricorn has been harsh, leaving us with the ramifications of the virus, loss, loneliness and restrictions, as well as job and income loss for many.

With so many things up in the air during these times of uncertainty, many people turned to astrology in 2020 to get guidance, clarity and hope for a light at the end of the tunnel. Astrologers have been busy!

2021 will be different, and better, than 2020

Astrologers call Saturn the planet of structure and discipline and Jupiter rules gain and expansion. Both of these powerful planets entered Aquarius late December 2020. Saturn tends to bring structure to whichever sign it transits through, and as Aquarius rules the 11th house of the collective, we will continue to live under certain structures or restrictions due to the virus. We will all be far more interested in our collective future and our own place in it than we have been in a long time. The collective will make their voices heard this year, and there will be a greater focus on equality, improving race relations, healing, and fairness and justice for all.

While January and February started off rather rocky, things will begin to level out March-May. In February, we experienced the first of three passes this year of Saturn square Uranus. This is a difficult astrological aspect that is prone to upheaval and unexpected events, issues concerning governments, political and financial issues, along with climate change, and other unanticipated situations. This aspect will occur again mid-June and once more toward the end of the year. We can expect to hit some rocky periods again during these times.

How will life change in 2021

In August and November, we can expect to see further improvement with Covid and there may be new advances and greater access to things that can include antiviral drugs. Many will continue to work in the virtual world, and we will see both scientific as well as technological advances. Many new internet-based businesses will start up and we can expect to see great leaps in space exploration. We can also expect some great art, movies and music to emerge as the year goes on.

By mid-May, Jupiter dips into Pisces for two and a half months, giving us a peek at what 2022 will look like. Jupiter in this sign will bring healing and compassion. There will be far greater hope for the future, and we will all feel more positive. There will be a greater focus on spirituality and metaphysics and a continued interest in astrology and psychics.

Love in 2021

The shutdowns and isolation have taken the biggest toll on single person households and what I call ‘the biggest untalked about’ issue of the pandemic. We have all been hit hard, especially single people who live alone whose social lives have basically ended because of the pandemic.

As the rules loosen up spring- summer, the best season for finding love will be when Jupiter enters Pisces mid-May through July. Pisces is known for its understanding, compassion and romantic sensibilities. With Mars and Venus in Water sign Cancer, this will be a time to experience our feelings and emotional involvements. By late June, both Mars and Venus have moved into Leo, the sign that rules romance and fun. Perhaps we will even see another ‘summer of love.’

For the remainder of the year with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius influencing things, love and romantic relationships are likely to begin with friendship first.

Aquarius is associated with freedom at any cost. Some may find themselves more interested in the opportunity to pursue life in their own way as opposed to coupling. Unorthodox relationships, breakups and marriage will be themes this year.

Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn will push us to relate in new and different ways with each other, declaring our individuality in some cases and more freedom and space in others.

All in all, a bright outlook for the future.

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