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April 2, 2021

How I managed to become HAPPIER during a pandemic

How I managed to become HAPPIER during a pandemic….

During the pandemic I lost my dream job, all the money I’ve ever made, gained 20 pounds and have never been happier.

We’re still in the middle of a pandemic and pretty locked up (I’m in Canada) and I’m still rolling with this attitude. I feel great.


These are the 10 things that I instinctually did and the results have been magic.

I maintained a strong morning routine

Even when I shut down my yoga studio for good, and didn’t HAVE to wake up at a certain time….I did. I set my alarm for 6:30 am, 7am on the weekends (really) and would wake up and get to my routine. My morning routine varies depending on the season but it looks like something like this:

  • Coffee….(immediately) and sip it while I read a book, some of my online course or write
  • Exercise or do yoga
  • Clean my house and make my bed
  • Get kids to school

Life Hack: Look to see where you can adjust your morning routine. Maybe it’s waking 10 minutes earlier to set an intention to write for the day or adding in a quick walk before work.

I did breath work every day

Breath is magic. I would do a breathing practice for a minimum of 5 minutes a day. My teacher Nevine Michaan says “pranayama is the new yoga.” Pranayama (or breath work) will change you and if you’re not down with yoga, there is all kinds of science now about the power of breath and how it directly affects your neurology. There’s a reason why everyone is so interested in the “Ice Man” Wimhoff and reading books like BREATH by James Nestor. The reason is….it matters. It’s transformational. It changes your internal chemistry, your mood and your ability to handle stress.

Life Hack: Breathing practices will change you. If you can add in even a 5 minute daily practice, you too can shift your mood and elevate your day.

I went outside every single day for at least an hour

Now, I live in one of the coldest areas of Canada where it gets to temperatures of -40 celsius in the winter. I would layer up my ass with 3 pairs of pants, boots that made me look like an astronaut and a snow suit that didn’t allow me to bend my knees because it was so packed full of fluff.  Then I would dress my two dogs the same way and we would go outside. I would put on a podcast, and celebrate the fact that I made it out the door.

Life Hack: Think about how you can get back into the great outdoors. Call a friend and drag them along for the ride with you or grab a great audio book that inspires you to get moving outdoors!

I signed up for mentorship programs with my favourite teachers, mentors and coaches

I immediately signed up for these programs starting in March of 2020. I signed up for additional yoga teacher trainings, leadership programs and coaching certifications. Immersing myself in material that interested me was important for my brain. It’s important for me to stay stimulated and engaged but a big reason why these programs were so important at this time was I got to connect and interact with high vibe individuals weekly.  My teachers, mentors and co-students were all on the same level. Everyone was there because they cared about their own health and progress… well as the collective. They were there to learn how to serve. They were there to find community. They were there to put their focus on something positive. THIS… has been pivotal to my road to joy.

Life Hack: Read a personal development book, join a free coaching group on Facebook or find a mentor/coach who can elevate your thinking.

I did a LOT of yoga

Yoga is not about the splits or handstands. Yoga is about the mind. How we unite the material with the immaterial. How we put our brains in our bodies. How we self regulate. How we connect to something greater than ourselves. Yoga keeps me sane, healthy and joyful. It also is helpful when your back doesn’t hurt.

Life Hack: Yoga is everywhere. Try some great free YouTube accounts, join a zoom class or just do your own thing. Practice doesn’t have to be long….but a little every day goes a long way.

I watched for things that made me feel like shit and I avoided them

Any news, social media, chatter amongst friends or posts that encouraged gossip, fear mongering, or anything that bred toxic stress I stepped away from. I also stepped away from people I follow on social media that I genuinely like as people….but for whatever made me feel bad after seeing their posts. This does not mean I ignored the issues that matter right now. This means I avoided the drama and unnecessary poking that people can do to each other when they are feeling stressed themselves. I have my own stress… I don’t need yours too.

Life Hack: Gossip is an epidemic. Try going on a language cleanse, watching your gossip and complaints for just one week. I guarantee you’ll feel better.

I mimized who I needed to show up for in a big way

I love a lot of people. I want to help and be there for everyone all the time.  I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to say yes to everything, to answer every text and email quickly and I would spread myself really thin. I decided that some people need me more than others. I shortened my list of who I needed to always be “on” for….and that list came down to me, my husband and my kids. That’s it. I’m still here for my friends. I still serve and volunteer and help others. But even just saying that statement out loud, “I only need to be on for my family,” took a huge load off of my shoulders. I am no longer available for everyone, all the time.

Life Hack: Draw a circle and put a few names inside the circle that you need to show up for in a big way consistently (hint: it can just be yourself). On the outside of the circle write down all the names of the people that you love or are friends with. Know that you can love them, without being overwhelmed by them.

I practiced “what’s true right now”

Practicing “what’s true right now” means catching myself when I want to be a victim. It means asking myself “Is it true?” anytime I heard gossip, a news story, a negative belief or story….from myself…or from others. Anytime I would catch myself in a complaint or feel overwhelmed by all the things…I would ask myself “what’s true right now?” Because there is always something good right now. There is always something that we’re missing and I choose to stay in that vibration. This doesn’t mean sprinkling “love and light” on social issues that matter, or denying myself the full range of human emotions. It means actively choosing the road to potential, instead of ruminating on the past….no matter the situation.

Life Hack: Any time you’re stressed or diving into victimhood, ask yourself “what’s true now?” You’ll be surprised by the good that’s always available.

I started new business ventures 

I gave myself something to be excited about! I started an online yoga business, a coaching business and gave myself the goal of writing a book. I have way too many things to look forward to to ruminate on all the things that are not going well. I have been building up my bank account and making steps towards my new future each and every day.

Life Hack: Get your journal out and go wild with any idea that you can come up with. A project, a recipe, a program, course or anything that you might like to do one day. You might get inspired to do it sooner than later and it will make you think about possibility…and your future. Great for when you feel stuck or limited.

 I loved myself up with sweat pants during the covid weight gain

I work from home now! I can wear whatever I want! I wear stretchy pants size 0-everybody! I didn’t feel bad about myself. I didn’t care that I gained weight, but I knew I would have more energy if I cleaned up my habits a bit. So I wore sweatpants and had a good laugh about it. I started eating a little better and working out a little bit more but nothing crazy. I only did workouts that I really enjoyed. I ditched the booze (mostly) and committed to loving myself in this body (and maybe the new body if it ever decides to come back). And if it doesn’t, sweatpants are never going out of style. P.S. NOW is the time to invest in cotton sweatpant companies if you want to be richhhh.

If you’re not feeling well right now, what’s your blueprint for success? Success in all areas of your life comes from actively creating your own map. My blueprint always involves tools for self sovereignty, daily practices, growth mindset thinking, body work and joy.

If you’re struggling right now, investigate the road you’re on. Investigate your daily blueprint. You can create your own destination by following the right roads.

With grace and grit,

Karla Treadway

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