April 25, 2021

“Twin Flame” is what “narcissists” who think they’re “empaths” use to justify stalking someone.

A Poem for Elephant Readers, or; “Twin Flame” is what “narcissists” who think they’re “empaths” use to justify stalking someone.

To vax, or not to vax, that is not the question
I give a care for you, that is my intention
Did she truly see me? Did he groom?
Did they sweep their trauma underrug, with a spiritually-bypassing broom?
If you’re the one, but it’s unrequited
stay away, you say (I’m gaslighted?)
If I’m the one, but it’s unrequited
I’m your Twin Flame, you say
I say I’ll call the cops, if you don’t stay away
don’t use your spiritual gobbedlygook to justify narcissism
said every empath with a gluten-free obsession
Ghosting, manipulation, breadcrumbing, cult…

I’m just getting started—
was that my Ommmm breath, or did I just fart-ed
Our trauma bond is serious, don’t you be manifesting
some bullshit that ain’t real, my ego is resting
Elephant Journal was born of Dharma
but has succumbed to karma
that’s okay, it’s a new day,

…we greet the sun and
remember it’s all
a cosmic

If you can’t get enough, here.


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