May 14, 2021

About the Best Sex I’ve Ever Had.

Sex! Death! Taxes! Few things get our attention like those buzzwords.

But beneath the clickbait we all so desperately toss out there, trying to hook a fish…

(a fish, in our case, is a reader—and continued life for mindful media and indie community—we do want you to read, as when you do so, hopefully our articles are generally of benefit, even if you half-ways disagree with some of ’em)

…these buzzwords can be sweet (sex), sad (death), boring (taxes). Of course, they can be awful, heartbreaking, and stressful, too.

But as for sex, as I’ve written before, sex doesn’t sell. Sure, maybe it does short-term. But Elephant (turning 19, in a month) is here for the ages, here to contribute. What sells longterm is dreams, hope, kindness, inspiration, loyalty to ethics…it is wisdom and catharsis that can truly lift our hearts.

So, in that vein, the best sex I’ve ever had has, too, been present tense, open eyed, passionated, a dance. Thoroughly mutual. Not a thing of tacky headlines (sorry), but a thing of opening, like a flower, to the warm sun, after a cool rain.

I hope you’ll join Elephant in our vision to tent peg down the speediness of this life, this society, so full of marketing and advertising, pushed by capitalism, none of it evil, but all of it shallow, like a skipping stone over waters.

And if you are so inspired, please write. We need you. Now. Not next week. Today. We’ve had a rough month. We need readers to read—that’s you. We need you to get and open and share our newsletter, and our articles. Now. But most of all we need you to write. Please. Facebook’s algorithm has coiled, like a great snake, around the neck of independent media, and while Elephant is strong, it’s squeezing our neck, too. We need you.

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