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May 22, 2021

Why do I have a terrible attention span? Is there something wrong with me?

Whether it is young children or adults, one of the most common complaints one gets to hear these days is that of an ever shortening attention span. That is, we are becoming lesser and lesser capable of concentrating on one thing for too long.

Now, this phenomenon is not to be taken lightly, because it can lead to some very serious consequences. So come, let us explore the reasons for this phenomenon and try to see if we can find a way to deal with it.

It can be safely said that in most cases, a short attention span is a result of a certain kind of lifestyle. Inadequate exercise, not enough rest, too much screen time (which often leads to information overload), too much stress, unhealthy eating habits, etc. all take a toll on one’s attention span.

In other words, our attention span is directly linked to our physical, mental and emotional well-being. So, if one has a terrible attention span, it probably is because of an unhealthy lifestyle, and not because of any personal, individual shortcomings.

This is compounded by the fact that the world today is moving at an unprecedented speed. Everything requires to be fast, instantaneous, real-time. While this has many benefits, it also leads to overworking of our brains. Besides, we can never really take a break from any situation because we are always connected. With our smartphones buzzing ever so often, we hardly get the chance to be fully present in any one moment. And if we are not fully present in the moment, it is no surprise that we are bound to have a terrible attention span.

Now that we have understood the reasons for the problem, let us try to find some solutions too.

As we saw, being constantly connected with the outside world, physical or virtual, is a major contributor to the problem. It is thus important to disconnect from time to time from everything, so that our brain can rest and regain its capacity to function in a healthy manner.

Disconnecting often seems a daunting task, and the fear of missing out on something important and vital increases one’s stress, making the process all the more difficult.

Here, it is important to understand that as long as one identifies one’s self as a being entirely existent within the material world, one will not be able to disconnect even for a short while. Fear and insecurity will ruin whatever peace of mind one has acquired, and one will constantly feel vulnerable and susceptible to being hurt by the ever changing world. But if one does not identify with the body complex (that is, mind, speech and body), one can easily disconnect from the events of the material world, from time to time, and thus lead a much better and healthier life.

This dissociation of identity can only happen by the grace of the Gnani, who can help us attain Self-Realization. After that, one’s mind becomes peaceful having understood the Real nature of the world, and that helps one focus on one thing at a time, which is the key to improving one’s attention span. Eventually, as the veils of illusion start falling off, one becomes more and more free, and finally attains Moksha (the ultimate liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

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