October 11, 2021

How the Power of becoming your Authentic Self can Change the whole damn World. {Partner}

This article is written in partnership with LightEn—a philanthropic, educational organization uplifting humanity, and they’re offering spiritual seekers of transformation an opportunity to attend the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness in Mallorca, Spain, where they can unlock their highest potential and help make a difference in the world. We’re honored to work with them. ~ ed.


“There is a pulse of Truth in every heart. It is your job to find it and bring it forth.” ~ Zulma Reyo

From the time we turn 18, we’re pressed to place ourselves into boxes.

If we go to a university, we choose a major—one that leads to a job, that turns into a career—where most of us will spend 90,000 hours of our lives, and the majority of our energy. (1)

We’re young, panicked, and underdeveloped—and veering off this “path” doesn’t just seem wrong, it feels dangerous. We’re scared to make the wrong decisions about what we want to “do,” so we rely on the only directions we have: the messages we’ve received about ourselves.

“You do well in biology, why don’t you become a PA?”

“You’re so organized. Have you ever thought about accounting?”

What we’ve been told about who we are informs what we do. It’s because our society is hardwired to make us doers and producers, and superficial success is measured by how well we can check off the boxes that many of us become buried under.

But then, in the quiet, our true essence seeps out.

When we fill our diaphragms with precious air in front of a yoga class, when we inspire a room full of colleagues with a client’s success story, when we play chess with our grandparents in their garden—we feel flexible, calm, and light.

Those moments, as beautiful as they feel when we’re present for them, cause friction when we’re wrapped up in what we do each day—the knowing that there’s more for us beyond our “boxes,” and the dissonance that sets in when we realize that what we do for a living is different from what makes us feel alive (and connected). It’s what prompts us to ask: “is this the life I really want?” “Am I aligned with my purpose?” “What even is my purpose?”

Discover your purpose and help others do the same. Apply to Zulma Reyo’s School of Consciousness, here >> 

If you’ve ever had that feeling, like you’re standing with your feet planted where the ocean kisses the shore, and the tide is pulling at the bottoms of your feet while you gaze at the vast horizon—it means that you are being called.

That pull feels external, but it’s actually coming from within. It’s your essence, your Light, and it’s tapping you ever so gently, yet just firmly enough, to remind you that it’s in there—you’re in there—and that it’s time to explore what would happen if you set the “doing” aside and allowed yourself to just be.

Uh, how can I do that, exactly?

The best place to start is at the very beginning; to take all of the boxes that make up what you “do,” and not just unpack them, but get rid of them entirely. You’ll just need a different set of directions this time, and thankfully Zulma Reyo—spiritual leader & educator, writer, and speaker—has written a whole book on it.

In her prolific gift to humanity, Inner Alchemy: The Path to Mastery, she outlines six actionable principles about discovering the power within us and transmuting it into energy that can be of benefit to others. It’s a comprehensive guide to separating who you “think” you are from your truest, highest Self.

Her book is the foundation for something much larger—an unprecedented opportunity to implement the book’s teachings in a live setting at the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness in Mallorca, Spain—and you’re invited to join her. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get in touch with the real you, discover your role in the world, and inspire others to do the same.

“Learn the law of life and rise in consciousness.” ~ Zulma Reyo

With an expansive understanding of our unfiltered Self, we become eligible to step into a position as an alchemist. As Zulma describes it, “the alchemist uses all the aspects of themselves (their entire ‘family of Self’, so to speak) to help them co-create, transmute, heal and bless their immediate world, their environment and their planet.”

This, much like your journey to the place you find yourself in at this very moment, does not happen overnight. It takes exploration, openness, intention, and experiential studies from a mindful teacher—like Zulma. Unlike your conditioning, though, the intention of the book and your admission into the school is to discover why your energy is unique and the potential your Light has to illuminate the world—without any disruption from your deep-seated beliefs.

“Learning is not about doing; it is instead all about being and becoming.” ~ Zulma Reyo

Throughout a three-year program—and five trips to Mallorca each year funded by LightEn, a philanthropic spiritual educational organization—you’ll address the fundamental questions of reality, the nature of life, Consciousness, and how you can not only uncover, but communicate with your soul.

Harness the spiritual power within you. Apply to Zulma’s school today >>

It’s not a feat that can be achieved without guidance and presence, which is why in-person attendance at the school is imperative if you are truly seeking to transform. It’s a rich, in-depth process of un-peeling the layers that block the unknown from being known.

This doesn’t require relinquishing your career, your job, or your obligations—the school is designed to mesh with and enhance your lifestyle. Those who attend maintain their full-time roles while expanding and enhancing their presence in them through the depth of teachings from the school.

How the Teachings will Transform You.

With a culmination of Zulma’s life’s work spent exploring various psychotherapies, world religions, mystical traditions, and energetic practices globally, she’s crafted a syllabus of meditations, and exercises that reflect her wisdom, and they’re segmented into three levels:

>> The Mind. This is the study of your mind, group mind, and higher mind, revealing how thinking and feeling alter perception and influence (us and) our surrounding reality.

>> The Whole-Self Integration. This is the study of the human energetic anatomy, personal faculties, powers, and energetic practices and principles.

>> Self-mastery, Healing and Transformation. This allows you to leap into higher vibrational states of being with the tools and ability to manifest a greater purpose.

The studies reveal a more connected path with much less resistance than the one you’ve been traveling on, because it’s not a new one—it’s the true one. Their aim is to enable “alchemical transmutation”: the ability to transform your state of being in a way that helps enlighten others. This process allows you to truly and fully be of service to yourself and to the world.

When you become acquainted with the true you, you’ll discover how you actually show up for your sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, friends and colleagues, and within society. You’ll see yourself transform in real time with the guidance of Zulma and the camaraderie of your cohort.

“It’s helpful to have a practice where you are observing yourself.” ~ Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness Alumnus

You’re not who you Think you Are.

Zulma’s method of teaching is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s the exact opposite. She devotes a considerable amount of time and care to understanding and identifying your individual personality dynamics, and then setting them aside to discover your “authentic inner source of power and discernment.” As Zulma puts it: “the personality is, in truth, a set way of perceiving the world: it is not what we are.”

To achieve this, you’ll:

>> Map out the physical, emotional, and mental fields of energy within you

>> Identify the role of personal and collective belief systems, schools of thought, various typology systems (such as the Enneagram), and ancestral influence in your construction of Self

>> Compare world beliefs, cultures, and traditions, including religions, and how these create subtle divisions and deep rifts amongst us

This level of introspection and ability to hone, shape, and absorb Universal Truths will permeate every conversation you’ll have, every relationship you’ll maintain, and each new person you’ll come in contact with. It unlocks your ability to simultaneously exist and observe.

It’s a practice that befriends the open space in the quiet, instead of pushing against it. You’ll learn to create space for yourself and for others to be present in, and to focus on being. Instead of reacting, you’ll observe. Instead of dismissing, you’ll invite. Instead of speaking, you’ll listen.

“Every thought begins and ends in silence.” ~ Zulma Reyo

Once you’ve harnessed the teachings that are administered in the first three years over the course of four, five-day long retreats, there’s an opportunity to enroll in another 15-day intensive retreat designed to help you fine tune your newly discovered energetic vehicle, and use it to mobilize others.

The primary requirements? Your disposition toward teaching and service. If they’re on target, they’ll exude from you, and you’ll connect with dimensions of wisdom beyond the confines of your belief systems and become an agent of equilibrium wherever you go.

Exist, observe, transform. Your highest potential is awaiting you. Apply here >>

Ready to meet your Truest Self?

If you’re thinking, how do I know if I’m qualified? Rest assured that anyone seeking to contribute to the greater good of the world is already a worthy student. The school’s cohort consists of people from all walks of life—from therapists, to CEOs, to artists, to engineers, to lawyers, and beyond. They embody diverse backgrounds, countries, and languages, but they share a common “pull” toward a greater purpose. The course is intended to be inclusive, and is currently offered in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

That’s because everyone is capable of becoming an alchemist—however, not everyone possesses the necessary dedication to become enlightened. It’s complex and simple, empowering and frustrating, confrontational and peaceful, and a myriad of “both, and” acceptance that challenges us to step outside of the reality we’ve existed in up until this point.

To open your mind to this level of transformation takes an immense amount of commitment.

For those who are up for the challenge to transform themselves and those around them, the prerequisites are straightforward. All applicants must visit the website, download the prospectus, and apply online. You’ll also be required to read the introduction to the recently updated and revised edition of Inner Alchemy: The Path to Mastery, by Zulma Reyo. From there, Zulma Reyo and Dr. Kylie Richardson will interview you, and Zulma will perform a specialized Inner Alchemy energy diagnosis (that will be evaluated annually).

If your application is accepted, you’ll be personally invited and welcomed like family into a private estate to enroll in their transformative teachings. With the support of LightEn, your attendance is gifted and all costs during the course are covered.

LightEn is offering full scholarships to those who are offered a place in the course with the ultimate goal of encouraging others to benefit from the teachings and apply a spiritual perspective to their daily lives. That means a stay at an expansive estate in Mallorca will cost you nothing but your time and dedication. Furthermore, if the cost of the flights is beyond your reach, you can simply apply for financial aid.

Virtually no barriers stand between you and your calling. All you need to do is apply here to start your journey >>

In a world that’s aching for agents of change, there’s no time for any logistical barriers preventing you from accessing your highest potential. All the tools you need to remove the clutter around your Self are within you. If you’re ready to unpack, walk your true path, and hold the hands of others as they discover theirs, then answer this call.

Don’t spend any more of this precious life doing what doesn’t serve you. Become who you truly are—and serve others in the process.



(1) Gettysburg University

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