October 7, 2021

How to Survive our Emotional Storms & Come out Alive.


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Sometimes waves of emotion wash over us with incredible force, sweeping us away from all that is stable.

No matter how hard we try to swim back, we get pulled out into the sea’s tormented current.

Occasionally, we get carried so far away from shore that we lose sight of land, and in these moments, all that we can do to survive is float until the storm passes.

This is what happened to me today.

A lifeboat came when I called for help, but I was too weak to climb on board, unable to pull myself out of the foaming torrent. So I had to float. I waited and clung to the lifeboat until the waves abated and the storm passed by.

In moments like these, we must resist the temptation to struggle against ourselves and allow our minds to let the storm pass naturally in order to feel its full force.

Sometimes, it’s just impossible to use our own internal life raft—built from years of experience and toil—because it cannot show up in our darkest moments. Sometimes, someone else can send us a life raft when we need it most, and all we need to do is cling on or know that it is there waiting for us once we are strong enough to pull ourselves out of the water.

Remember that it’s okay to let yourself float. Know that these feelings are only temporary and know that there are usually far more lifeboats out there than we realize if we dare to put out the mayday call.

In these moments, know that you are not alone, for even the sea will hold you up if you trust in it. This storm inside you will pass, as storms always do.

Then, once it’s over and the waves have receded, when you are left on the shore, you must make sure you look around. If you can only be thankful for one thing at that moment, let it be that you managed to get yourself back on land.

Embrace your strength and courage for overcoming such a time.

Breathe, accept, then move on.

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Lily Copping  |  Contribution: 1,080

author: Lily Copping

Image: theelfway.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar