October 19, 2021

The Knight in Shining Armor. {Poem}


Look, the knight in shining armor
is here.

But, oh no, what happened to him?
He is so pale and thin.
And his armor looks wet.
Or is it even black?
It’s soaked in blood and dirt, and sweat.

To all the little girls who can’t understand it yet:
the knight in shining armor is dead!

He tried to save all the girls he could
and fought battles he never understood.
Now for all people to see, the knight sets himself free.
He lowers his guard and removes the burden
of misplaced responsibility.

He was just a myth,
a fantasy,
created in your childish head.
The knight in shining armor is dead!

Little girl,
you better learn
to take care of your own.

Your hero, the knight,
was just like you and me,
frightened and alone.

You gotta learn to build
your own protective shield,
so that you can survive
on life’s battlefield.


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Dani Rasokat  |  Contribution: 320

author: Dani Rasokat

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi