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November 29, 2021

Holistic Ways to Handle Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is horrible and can lead to several different health problems. It can actually be life-threatening if left untreated. Fortunately, there are several natural and holistic ways that people can handle acid reflux.

Quitting Smoking

Most people do not realize that smoking can increase the chances of a person having acid reflux. Smoking reduces pressure on the sphincter of the esophagus, which allows for acid reflux. Quitting smoking will normalize this pressure.

Avoiding Substances That Trigger Acid Reflux

There are many substances that will trigger acid reflux. Spicy foods, coffee, mint, fatty foods, and alcohol can trigger acid reflux. If a person is going to indulge in these kinds of foods, they will want to make sure that they only do it once in a while to prevent acid reflux.


Ginger can help to reduce acid reflux. To get the most benefits from ginger, a person should consume around 1,500 milligrams a day. To add ginger to the diet, a person can put it in salads, cereals, add to a stir fry, or make ginger tea.

Maintaining Weight

Managing body weight can also help to minimize acid reflux. Excess fat around the abdominal area will cause pressure to be around the stomach. This causes the stomach to have to work harder to keep the acid down. People who are overweight will want to start a diet plan to help them reduce their weight.

Herbal Tea

There are some herbal teas that will help with acid reflux. It is important to ensure that only decaffeinated herbal teas are consumed. Many of these herbal teas will help with nausea, dizziness, and digestion. Popular teas to try include green tea, fennel tea, fruit tea, licorice tea, and chamomile teas. Be sure to stay away from mint teas as they can actually cause acid reflux.

Sleeping With Your Head Elevated

Another remedy that can be done to help curb acid reflux naturally is to sleep with the head elevated. This can be done with pillows or a bed that has the ability to incline. When a person lays flat, this allows acid reflux to come up. Having that incline can help to prevent this problem.

If a person suffers from acid reflux, they should try some of the tips above to experience relief.

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