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November 11, 2021

How to tap into the hidden wisdom of your soul: an easy guide to automatic writing and channeling.

Photo by Alina Vilchenko on Pexels.

When you are ‘in it’, you know the belly of the beast, unraveling and holding grief, the best way to honor this space is to connect more deeply to your soul. Your soul self carries important teachings that can be accessed by way of channeling — or automatic writing.

When I do this it brings forward new language, vibrations, and hidden messages that were otherwise invisible, to now become obvious. These words that flow are so profound and impactful, they heal you!

The soul has been alive for many lives and has witnessed time and space in many dimensions — why wouldn’t we make it a daily practice to access this knowledge?

The best part… everyone can do this whether you feel connected, awakened or enlightened. You are still connected to your soul-self no matter where you are and you can receive messages from deep within the well of your soul.

Here are some ways you can clear the path and tap into the source of your soul:

  • Create a sacred space for yourself free from distractions. Make sure you are comfortable and have a set up that makes it easy for you to write and be in ease for at least 10 or 15 minutes.
  • Light some candles, add some natural elements like stones, acorns, cedar, leaves, flowers — anything that helps you to connect to the grounding energy of mother earth.
  • Light some incense or loose leaf incense that helps you to clear and cleanse your space and body. Scents helps you to remain in the present moment and clear the mind and heart.
  • If you are someone not accustomed to channeling or automatic writing, music might help you to attain a more trance like state. Tribal drumming or binearal beats tend to work well to support calming the mind and allowing you to “drop in” and access the inner well of your soul.
  • Allow yourself to quiet the mind and let your imagination open up. Bring focus into the heart space and feel it beating, listen to it and sit with this for a few moments.
  • You may enjoy the savoury feeling of just being in this space you created and feel a sense of peace or calm sweep over you — so just allow yourself to enjoy that before you feel any urgency to begin.
  • When you are ready, and you will know in your heart when that is, put pen to paper and just start writing!!

People often ask, “Am I imagining or just creating these words?” and the answer I give is, “Yes!” At first you will hear your thoughts so purely flow through and I believe these are the words we have surpressed and yet have needed to hear for so long. They will appear and feel like words of encouragement, love, and compassion and be grateful that you have created the space to hear your own words of love flow through.

Yet once these words are finally expressed and given space, something else will begin to surface. Your writing may get more frantic, and quicken. You may begin to blur your vision and not see what you are writing at all and you may feel as though you have surrendered or given yourself over to a higher power. And you have!

What flows from this point will be the source of your soul, that deep inner universal wisdom that can only come from the highest power of love. Be it God, the Creator, the Universe — whatever you identify with, it is a potent divine message coming through for you, into you, and throughout you.

Enjoy it!! I fully believe during this process we receive so much more beyond the words that flow. We receive a deep energetic healing and clearing of all contracts, cords, and binds that no longer serve us and we let them go in order to breath new life force onto the path we choose for our highest and best good.

Why wouldn’t we want to make this a daily ritual to reinforce our healing journey and a life that honours who we are? It’s a beautiful practice to allow and guide you and I truly believe we are all capable.

Whatever flows through you be sure to honour the words and give them gratitude. You are on a beautiful journey and your soul knows what will support you right now.

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