November 19, 2021

Mouth-watering (and turkey-free) Recipes for your Holiday Table.

It’s one of my favorite times of the year: the season of gratitude.

It’s a time when family and friends come together over a meal—or a Zoom call—and we share our love for each other, for this life, for those blessings in our lives—and we feast.

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Here at Elephant, we know not everyone is vegan, or even vegetarian, and the holidays can be full of pitfalls and stumbling blocks for those of us who are, or even those of us who try to bring more plant-based options into our daily lives.

Thanksgiving is a beautiful opportunity to include plant-based, planet and animal-friendly food options on your table without losing out on taste, or the experience of a delicious meal.

Look no further: we’re here to help. Check out this round-up of mindful recipes from Elephant that would make mouth-watering additions to your holiday table this year.


Fig & Walnut Tapenade. {Vegan Recipe}

Sicilian Caponata. {Vegan Recipe}

Healthy, Rich & Luxurious White Bean Fondue. {Vegan Recipe}


Creamy Vegan Carrot Soup for Cozy Winter Days. {Recipe}

Heartwarming Slow Cooker French Onion Soup. {Vegetarian Recipe}

Sides & Main Dishes:   

Crunchy Walnut Artichokes with Maple Brussel Sprouts. {Recipe}

A Savory Vegan Squash Mac n’ Cheese Recipe for all Seasons.

A Perfect Recipe for Fall: Superfood Quinoa Pilaf. {Vegan}

Jamaican Pumpkin Rice. {Gluten Free, Vegan Recipe}

Spinach Smashed Potatoes & Mushroom Gravy. {Vegan Recipe}


Sweet Potato Chocolate Pudding.

Delicious Homemade Vegan Apple Pie for the Sweater Weather.

No-Bake, Dreamy Lemon & Coconut Pie. {Vegan, Gluten Free Recipe}

We’re grateful for your presence in our Elephant community and count you as one of our blessings. Happy cooking, happy eating, and most of all—may it all be of benefit this Thanksgiving season.

Have a recipe to share? We’d be honored to feature it with our community if you use our submission form, here.

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Molly Murphy  |  Contribution: 110,845

author: Molly Murphy

Image: Janice Dolk/Crunchy Walnut Artichokes with Maple Brussel Sprouts.