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November 9, 2021

Struggling with burnout stress? It’s time to hit the reset button

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.

“A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it.” – Albert Einstein.

Have you ever thought of waving GoodBye to your job when it was stressful? Of course, everyone one of us would have thought about quitting. But, we rarely make a move. Times change, and it is not the case anymore.

Close to 4.3 million people have quit their jobs in the past year. Sounds crazy, isn’t it? But there is a lot to ponder. A psychologist called this phenomenon a Great Resignation. This trend will go down in history as one of the scariest things for many Bosses.

Why did they quit?

Well, economists and experts cite various reasons for this. But, what grabbed my attention is many people left their jobs because of burnout stress.

Burnout is something everyone goes through in our life. It is so prevalent that it has become a part of our life. So, we all accept it and move on with our life. But, little did we all know that its impact on our life in the long term is lethal.

With the pandemic in place, it has raised the chances for burnout. A survey conducted by Indeed shows that around 52% of the employees in a work setting are experiencing burnout stress. Stress accumulated at the workplace leads to serious health hazards. It is imperative to acknowledge its effects and take the necessary steps to curb that.

These things tell you that you are under the influence of burnout stress:

  • Feeling exhausted all the time. Coming home drained after a whole day of work is quite normal. But, when you continue to feel drained every day of your work, it is burnout.
  • Lack of motivation towards work. If you are feeling you have lost interest in your job, it could be because of workplace stress.
  • If you are under acute stress, you will skip work, start procrastinating, withdraw yourself from your responsibilities.
  • Feeling isolated, accumulation of negative thoughts, feeling like a failure, etc., are also signs that say you are under work stress.
  • Developing physical illnesses such as headache, muscular pain, and inability to fall asleep.

Burnout stress is something more than what meets your eye. It is subtle and creeps into you within no time. Carrying it with you might spoil your life.

What could be the reason?

Psychologists suggest three causes for the prevalence of burnout among employees.

  1. Overload Burnout: Working harder than your capacity in the pursuit of success could be overwhelming. Working at the expense of one’s health will lead to burnout.
  2. Under-challenge burnout: Lack of opportunities in the job to develop a career could be a reason too. It demotivates employees.
  3. Neglect burnout: Employees might feel incompetent when they fail to complete the tasks assigned to them. It might lead to burnout.

There is a vast difference between usual stress and burnout. If you notice such signs for a very long time, you must do something about it.

What could be done to get over it?

Dealing with burnout is a long-term process. People are still struggling to figure out a perfect formula for maintaining a work-life balance.

Here are some suggestions that can help recover you from burnout:

  • Acknowledge it: Look for the signs that tell you, you’re burnout. It is vital to acknowledge the fact that you are under its influence.
  • Stress Management: Check out ways to manage different types of stress that you undergo. Usually, during this time, It is advisable to seek the help of mental health professional. Access to such professionals is made easy nowadays by ThreeBestRated®, Yelp, etc. Mental health professionals help you build resilience against stress that leads to burnout.
  • Redefine your perception of your workplace: Try to make peace with your workplace. Avoid naysayers and try to make new friends. Indulge yourself in the recreational activities carried out at your workplace. All these things could help you undo the stressors associated with your workplace.

Workplace stress is a demon everyone of us is fighting. Let’s put an end to it.

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