November 28, 2021

The hidden Cause of Ghosting & How to Overcome this Toxic Behavior.

Ghosting—why are we doing this to each other?

I have been thinking about this for a while—and it seems that I am not the only one.

Many of us experienced ghosting in our lives. Sometimes on the receiving end, and other times we are the ones ghosting friends or loved ones. But why are we doing this to each other?

Maybe it’s not even our fault? Is our environment causing this behavior? Is it just a coping mechanism?

And most importantly, how do we overcome this toxic behavior?

Motivational speaker Simon Sinek explains the hidden causes of ghosting in this eye-opening clip that I found on YouTube this weekend. He explores the connection between social media, stress, and ghosting.

Watching this clip really helped me understand the underlying causes of this behavior most of us know too well.

I hope you enjoy watching this inspiring speech. May it be of benefit!



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author: Robert Busch

Image: Let's Become Successful/YouTube Screenshot