December 21, 2021

A Solstice Invocation.

May we all set down
What’s outdated its
Usefulness this season,
This hour,
This coming dawn of
New light,

Light emanating
Even now,
Through the darkness.

May we all hold
Loosely to what’s here
For just this season,
May we all set our
Hearts on the altar
Of our own devotion.

Remember the power
Of directed intention
To love as we are love,
To move as we are love,
To breathe as we are love,
To let go as we are love,
To welcome the new birth
As we are love.

May darkness be the
Reminder to turn
On the light,
No need now to walk
Blindfolded and crippled
By pain.

We can choose to
Set ourselves free
Each time we
Remember we are

Loving awareness
Behind the thought,
Within each feeling,
Never without it.

Behold this star
Of Bethlehem,
Child of the Light
You are,
Divine blueprint
Here to guide
Your heart each day.

May the light of this
New day bring our
Hearts ease
And comfort,
Blessed reminders of
Joy within,
Abundance within
The very matrix of our cells,
If only we remember.

Align with
Remembrance of Truth
And all else falls away,
Simply, like sand,
No longer needing
To grasp this false sense
Of safety.

May this light
Of season’s greetings
Hold us,
Cherish us,
Be cherished by us,
Cherishing the self
Who’s here for
It all,
For just a little while.

Be here now, too,
For just a little while..

First star you see tonight
May you wish upon
This light in your heart
A new birth,
A fresh start.

Each time we remember,
We are reborn,
And again.

May the rebirth
Be the reminder
Of death’s eternal
A wish to return
To life,
A prayer to return
To life as each death

Leaving the light
New day,
Out of night-lit skies.




More on this winter solstice: 4 Questions to ask this Winter Solstice.


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Anna Palmer  |  Contribution: 34,420

author: Anna Palmer

Image: Tony Ross/Unsplash

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra