December 2, 2021

Difficult Days: a Poem for Those who feel Hopeless.

Every now and then a storm rises and darkness descends.

It may feel like everything is up hill and you are alone. Friend, you are human and life is always changing. Nothing lasts, especially those dark and lonely days.

Don’t give up!


Difficult Days: a Poem for the Those who feel Hopeless.

Some days are difficult and you struggle to catch your breath.

You might feel the earth spin and tides crash on those difficult days!

Difficult days are moments that never last.

Hold on, Hold fast

Flowers fade and lovers clash on difficult days.

Hold on, Hold fast

Darling, you are born to rise

Steady here.

Anger won’t hurt you; it is the fire that drives you and propels you forward.

Sweetness will come because difficult days never last.

Birds fly home when they need a rest.

All storms settle and light returns.

Arise from slumber and solitude and chase out the night, for you are a dream writer.

Hold strong, Hold fast

This ride is your life even on the darkest, most difficult days. Hold on my love, hold fast!

This pain, like everything, is temporary and it will not last.


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,510

author: Renee Fesser

Image: Yoann Boyer /Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson