December 31, 2021

I live in Boulder, 1,000 homes burned down around us South & East last night. Even 10 years ago, “fires in December” woulda seemed crazy.




Snow, finally, this morning. Not much at all yet, nothing sticking. But more hopefully on way, after 7 months of extreme drought. Can’t help but wish it’d arrived a day earlier.⁠


I live in Boulder. 600 homes burned down around us last night. We have to change. Caring isn’t enough. It’s a start, but we can’t go back to business as usual. We have to change.

Every day this “Fall” and “Winter” locals have rejoiced at warm days. I always say, ah, winter is great, we need snow, rain, cold days and nights. This warm stuff day after day is fool’s gold. Last night is what we get. This is scary bad. We are sitting ducks given the winds in Colorado.

Even 10 years ago, “fires in December” woulda seemed crazy. No rain/snow for 5 mos. Climate crisis is here. Let’s act like it. Praying folks evacuated in Louisville, Superior, Marshall on time.

“Gather essentials like prescriptions, medical supplies, pet supplies, important papers, and alert neighbors.”

“Boulder Co. Sheriff Joe Pelle says at least 580 homes, a shopping complex and hotel in Superior area are believed to be lost in the Marhsall Fire, estimated at 1600 acres.”

Last night was scary! Lost wifi/electricity too many times to count, got offline, happily doing puzzle, only to see my phone lit up with messages an hour later warning about fires in Louisville, Broomfield, parts of Boudler (not where I am, I’m fine for now).

But with up to 115 mph winds, fires, little moisture in 7 months—if I have to evacuate with Redford I’ll need a ride!

“Praying everyone evacuated. Apparently 500 structures burned down, some burn victims, but just praying folks got out in time, These fires, plus 110 mph winds, with no moisture let alone snow FOR MONTHS, move fast.
Boulder Superior Louisville follow
for alerts you can trust.”

Seeing a lot of “how can I donate or help” this morning. That’s community. That’s empathy, basic goodness, proof that humans care fundamentally beneath all the lazy rancor and posturing and soap boxing on social media.


While 600 homes (maybe more?) are gone, 35,000 evacuated in the up-to-115 mph windy night (I pray folks made it out in time, some people reported not even having time to pack their bags), 1,000s of animals likely killed…

If we really want to help, we have to change. It’s that simple, and kinda hard, but simple.

We gotta fight climate change or this will keep happening. It’s not an isolated incident. We have to change, macro and micro habits, as a society and personally. The fact that common wisdom says Republicans will sweep the midterms? If they do that, not only will we continue to struggle to pass climate crisis-addressing policies, including resilience, but we’ll once again go in the wrong direction. And we have no time to lose.

I know you know all that. But it’s not an isolated incident. One-and-a-half-inches of rain and snow in 7 months? Occasional high winds? It was a matter of time. And it will happen again and again, in different ways, in every community across this world unless we change macro: vote, and advocate, and change micro: our habits, plastic, flying, heating, get rid of gas ovens/heating (fracking), what else?

Well summed up:

“With CLIMATE CHANGE, there is no FIRE SEASON anymore. Since June, the area burning near Boulder, CO has had a mere 1.5″ of precipitation and record warm weather. Combine with hurricane force winds & the result is a FIRESTORM!” ~ Mike Nelson

To help now:

In response to today’s events, Community Foundation Boulder County activates the Boulder County Wildfire Fund. “As neighbors focus on staying safe & evacuating, it is clear support will be needed by many in the near & long-term.” – Tatiana Hernandez, CEO

New easy-to-find buttons for donating to the Marshall Fire or Middlefork Fire funds, and a place to request animal rescue. Find them at http://BoulderOEM.com and navigate to the Emergency Status page. Right at the top!




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