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January 27, 2022

Broken & Damaged

Photo by Harrison Haines on Pexels.

When you open your heart and soul to others.
Trying so hard to allow others in, hoping to never feel the hurt again.
Building walls that are stronger then cement.

Then there’s this one special person who has entered into your life.

Who just crumbled them walls down.
Then when the doors are slammed closed so fast, the heart hurts, sinkin’, causing so much hurt again.
Start telling yourself never again, the walls are going up and never coming back down.
The wall stayed up for a while, but then you allowed it to clasp again.
Then when one screwed up and felt the hurt and pain again. I am not prefect.
I guess I am to kind sometimes. Where I enjoy doing thing for others.
Never imagined how it could make others feel.
Until it got told to you. But the hurt that one can feel is just unbearable. When your kindness get compared to pass experiences in others life.
When you always been a person you always believed in giving every individual a fair chance with no comparison, because of pass experience.
But then you realize once again the doors are quickly slammed again.
Now Fully aware You can’t do this anymore.
The wall will stay strong and won’t be knocked down so easy anymore.
When one can close the doors so quickly, that’s the moment that there’s nothing there besides a friendship.
Everyone has the right to make their own decisions in life. Everyone should always express their feelings and thoughts.
Never hold them in or ponder on it then bringing it up after the fact. Should always discuss things at the moment.
It’s about respecting each other’s feelings and respecting each other.
What has been broken down will never be regained after it’s gone.
None of us knows what our future holds for us. Everything what we have is given and can be taken away at any moment.
Walk with the faith and give the Holy spirits your life, soul and heart.
Take the hand of the Holy Father he will guide us all to our Journey of Life.

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