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February 23, 2022

Simple Stress Relievers

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.

The world is easing out of the pandemic. We all have to adapt to a new way of living and experience more stress. Whether it’s from remote work, a new job, or online school, stress relievers are more important an ever.  Continue reading for habits that are simple to use to relieve day to day stress.

Get Out in Nature

Taking a quick walk around the block or morning jog in a park will help your mental health. Research has shown that two hours a week in nature increases your cognitive abilities and your physical wellbeing. It can be as easy as enjoying your coffee on the balcony. Looking at trees and green spaces on your walk to work is another easy fix. The stress release from doses of daily nature, crosses ethic groups and demographics. So get out there and get some daily “green.”

Pet Ownership

The health benefits you gain from having a pet are too many to list. Pet owners experience less depression, reduced blood pressure, and survive chronic illness better than non-pet owners.  Whether it’s a dog, cat or gerbil caring for an animal is a great stress reliever. The time commitment and cost of owning a pet varies, but the health benefits are huge. Older people also experience a sense of purpose and companionship with a pet. Cats are more independent and easier to care for than dogs. Make sure you do your research before making a commitment.

Controlling Your Emotions

Finally, this is easier said than done, but controlling your emotions will greatly benefit your health. Referred to as your emotional intelligence, increasing this trait has many benefits. At work or with your family having greater self-awareness is important. This benefits your mental and physical health as well as your personal and professional relationships. Practicing self-control, emotional focus, and decision-making skills enables you to handle life’s up and downs.  If you were raised in a household that didn’t acknowledge emotional health or feelings, this will take practice. Check for self-care programs and talk to friends to increase your awareness and self-control skills.

The first step in relieving stress is to acknowledge it and then make small changes. Being more resilient and adaptable in life is a must these days. Best of luck in your journey.

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