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March 22, 2022

Here’s How Numerology Can Benefit your Mental Health

Numerology is one of the ancient methodologies that has been around for centuries. If you have got the right kind of knowledge, it can impact your life for the better. Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras and Hippo also emphasized that mathematical concepts are far more practical than physical ones.

Fast forward to today as well, and numerology focuses more on leveraging the science behind numbers to decide our personality types and out the way of our lives. Life path numbers are formed with the help of our birth date and the time of our birth. These numbers will influence the kind of person we usually become. The best thing about these life path numbers is that it becomes easy to assess the direction in which our lives are travelling, allowing us to set our minds free and improve our overall well-being. This article focuses on how numerology can impact one’s mental health.

Truth Behind Life Path Numbers

On earth, each one of us as human beings has a life path number that we can figure out from our date of birth. You can add together the digits of the day, month, and year separately and then add the results together until you find out a single-digit number that you can work out your life path number. Each of these numbers gives us an insight into how our lives are and could be. We can further follow this insight to improve our mental well-being.

For example, if you have a life path number 1, you are a born leader and an independent person according to numerology. It also means that you leverage the fact that you already know what personality you should have so that if you find yourself with self-doubt or stress, you can lean on to your life path number safely with the fact that this is the path you have selected. That is how you can be fully empowered and become the confident and successful leader you are supposed to be.

Master Numbers

In numerology, master numbers are considered to be the luckiest ones. If you are fortunate enough to be born with one of these days, you will fall under the triangle of enlightenment as there are power numbers. Those numbers are 11, 22, and 33. Generally, you achieve these numbers at the last stage of addition before adding them down to a single digit.

You can refer to some best numerology reading that also advises that 11 states that someone is highly intuitive and might provide exotic gifts. The number 22 means that someone is a great teacher, and they would dedicate their lives to helping others. The number 33, the sum of the two numbers mentioned above, includes everything. That says that a person is the master guide who is full of honesty and integrity. You will use your powers to guide all your positive energy onto others. After you are aware of these extraordinary powers, it will be easier to be mentally prepared for the path that has been chosen for you in life.

Numerology for the Mental Well Being

The primary reason numerology could help you with mental health is that it can help you detect and stop making mistakes in advance. So, you will always play a safe game. Also, it means that you get saved instead of learning from them. For example, when women change their names after their marriage, it can impact their lives drastically.

As the life path numbers can equally be counted based on our names as well as our date of birth, if we change our name, our energy will also get shifted. This means that suddenly our chosen name may not be compatible with our situation, and before you know it, your marriage might end with a divorce. In this case, if you are aware of your life path number in advance, then you could easily avoid this mental anguish and could have chosen the right partner from the outset, that could enable you both to live life with great energy and have a partner who is truly compatible with you.

Numerology has plenty of benefits to offer. And among those benefits, numerology allows you to understand how numbers have formed you for a particular personality set. You can also use it as your guide to help you through the various stages of your life. If you ignore your true life path, you could run the risk of channelling your energy towards the wrong places when you could use your divine powers to help other people experience enlightenment with a path through the difficulties of life. So, it is highly recommended that you get in touch with your life path today and start experiencing the positive impacts on your daily life.

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